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My birthday is tomorrow and I am definitely not excited. I have the flu and had to check out of school this morning. Usually I'd be happy but it's different now I actually enjoy school.yuck. I must really be sick.

Derek promised to come see me after school yet it is 8pm and no sign of him. He better have a good excuse I'm staying up late just to see him.

"Hey sorry I'm late" Derek says busting through the room.

"Where were you?" I ask taking the thermos of soup from him.

"I was hanging out with livia" he answers and sits on my bed.

"I thought you didn't like her?" I say confused.

"She's different now....she's so smart..." He replies dreamily.

I roll my eyes. But then I feel something, something I've never felt before jealousy

"Oh, is this going to be a regular thing?" I ask

"I don't know we use to be really close..." He mumbles and shrugs.

"Derek, is there something your not telling me?" I ask putting my soup on the bedside table.

"Livia...she wants me back" he admits smiling like the idiot he is.

"Do you want her back?" I whisper scared of the answer.
He huffs there is a awkward long pause I gasp.

"You do!" I yell.

"What?- no Ali I-" he starts but I interrupt.

"No, you do! She's better than me!" I scream he stands up.

"Maybe she is!" He yells angrily in my face.

"Then go! Find your little slut!" I yell.

"Atleast she's not as much drama as you are..." He states getting closer to me.

"Good it's over go run to your girlfriend!" I snap.

"I will! Would you like me to call jarred for you?" He mocks.

I jump up out of bed and grab him by his coller. I slam him against the wall I can see the fear in his eyes.

"Don't ever talk to me again" I snap and punch him in the balls.

He groans and falls to the floor.

"Ali-I'm sorry..." He moans.

"Go be sorry somewhere else" I spat he stands up and walks out.

I can't stand to be here right now I need to have fun to let loose and forget about stupid Derek.

I grab my favorite short tight blue dress along with some heels and my leather jacket.
I open up my window and climb out.

Fuck being good it doesn't get you anything but heartbreak.
Well I've learned now.

I start walking down the streets to Smokes house I know I surly need a drink maybe a cigarette.

I walk up the wobbly stairs and knock on the door angrily. It finally opens.

"Aye. chica...what's wrong?" She asks worried.

"Derek and I-...we are done I need to let loose..." I smile she smirks and let's me in.

We sit on the old worn out black leather couch. Smoke goes to the kitchen and comes back with two bottles of beer and a bottle of tequila along with two shot glasses.

"I'm gonna invite some peeps over" she says picking up her phone.

I take a swig of my beer and light a cigarette. I really need this I missed this and now without goodie two shoes around I can do whatever I want.

"Mike is bringing over some people maybe someone you'll like" she smirks.

We decide to clean ourselves up and set out some drinks and food we get out all of her CD collection which is a lot! And crank up the stereo. Soon enough it's 11pm time to party there is a knock at the door and I answer it.

There is Mike with atleast thirty people. I don't even know thirty people.

"Hey dudes let's get wrecked!" He yells I let them in.

We are all dancing drinking having a fun time while the music is blasting. Mike is pretty drunk and is all over me right now I could care less. I'm free.
I turn to him and take his hands and place them on my hips as I start to dance on him he starts kissing my neck.

Maybe Derek and I aren't ment to be. We're two different people. I hope he's happy with that stupid brat. I'm still jealous I can't seem to get him off my mind no matter how much I drank.

"Aye guys it's midnight that means it's Ali's birthday!" Smoke yells.

Everyone whoops mike throws me over his shoulder and starts bringing me up the stairs.

"Got a surprise for ya cupcake" Mike sniggers

We get to the top and go to the very last room on the end. He opens the door and slams me on the bed. I look up and see jarred.

"Hey Ali, where's your boyfriend?" He asks in a amused tone.

"I'm over him..." I lie.

"So you free tonight?" He ask sitting next to me. I shrug.

"Sure..." I say not really caring at the moment.

"How bout we go a round..." He suggest.

"You mean sex?" I ask boldly and a little drunk.

"Yea, it'd be last time" he smiles with his hand reaching up my thigh.

"Sure whatever..." I say bored

He starts kissing me roughly, I know I shouldn't do this I know I don't love jarred I just want to forget Derek just for a little while.

He unzips my dress and I start unbuttoning his pants. He pulls away and looks at me.

"I'll be gentle..." He smirks and takes off my dress leaving me in my undergarments.

At this moment I'm forgetting Derek, how I actually trusted him...and he just throws it away for his stupid ex!

Maybe he's right she is better than me. They're good people, kind and smart. Where as I'm bad, nothing but bad.

-Authors Note-
Okay so Ali and Derek broke up :( :'(
And Ali might have made a mistake sleeping with her ex (jarred)

Okay so next update Friday!

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I lost a follower I don't know what I did but I'm sorry:(
I love all my supporters and in the last chapter of this book I will dedicate it to one special person:)

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