Let Loose

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It is now Friday night and I am getting ready to go to a party with Derek. I decide to curl my hair. I apply light black eyeshadow and some eyeliner I finish with just a hint of blush.
I out on my party dress and spray some perfume, I finish by putting on my heels.

I say goodbye to my family and I walk outside to see Derek waiting on my door step. When he sees me his face goes red and I can see him sweating. He doesn't look bad himself a fitted black shirt and some white skinny jeans with black converse also a leather jacket he might actually fit in dressing like that.

"You look handsome" I compliment which makes him smile.

"You-you look great" he smiles and blushes. I take his hand and we walk to the party.

About 30 minutes later we walk into the party. The musc is blaring, people are dancing and it smells like sweat. Ah, that mean a awesome party!

I lead us to the drink table and grab us both a beer. Derek looks at me confused.

"Come on Derek it's just a beer" I smile. He shrugs and takes a swig of the beer.

I take his hand and drag us over to where people are dancing. I start dancing and look back to see Derek standing there like the awkward guy he is. I pull him to me and start moving his arms he gets the idea and starts dancing with me. All of a sudden I feel hands around my waist from behind I look and there stands jarred. I push him off me and drag Derek with me on the couch. Sadly jarred follows us.

"Why are you with this nerd?" Jarred laughs I roll my eyes.

"Go away jarred!" I yell and try to push him away he yanks my arm I wince. I scowl at him and slap his face. That just makes him angrier.

"You bitch" he yells and tries to grab me again but, Derek steps in front of me I hold on to his arm. Jarred is 6'2 where Derek is 5'9 I mean both are taller than me I'm 5'2.

"She doesn't want you"Derek tells him. Jarred scoffs and laughs at Derek.

"I'm sure she'd want me over you" jarred replies I roll my eyes and push Derek back.

"Excuse me. I broke up with you! It's over. I don't want you!" I yell at him he gets angry and starts to clench his fist.

Luckily his friends pull him back and they leave us alone. I huff and turn to face Derek.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it" I thank him and hug him. He hugs back.

"Promise me you won't be with that guy again." He states seriously. I sigh.

"I promise" I reply he nods.

I take his hand and we head back to the drinks we drink a bunch of beer and dance a lot we even do some shots. This night is so much fun I even saw smoke she was busy making out with her boyfriend so I didn't interrupt them.

At about 2 in the morning we decided to start walking to Derek's house I can handle my alcohol but, this was Derek's first alcoholic beverages and he had way more than I'd recommend.

I have my arm around his wand and his arm is on my shoulders so I can steady him. Then I remember he was suppose to be home by midnight! Crap! Oh well to late now.

"Aliiiii caaaattt" Derek slurs I laugh this is hilarious. "You're are the best- I mean- you're awesome" he says. I giggle.

"Thanks Derek you're too" I reply knowing he won't remember this in the morning.

"I mean it!" He yells really loudly I cover his mouth I don't want the cops to catch under age drunks.

"Let's get you home" I whisper to him I grab the key out of his pocket and unlock the door.

Luckily his mom is already asleep I bring him to his room and lay him on his bed. I take his jacket, glasses and shoes off. I go to leave but he takes my hand.

"S-stay, please" he slurs I huff and take off my jewellery and heels.

I lay down next to him and pull the blankets over us good thing he can get out because in the morning he will be sick. I texted Molly telling her where I am. I feel Derek wrap his arms around my waist. I actually don't pull away it feels nice.

"You're so pretty" Derek slurs in my ear I chuckle and place my hands on his he lays his head on my shoulder.

"Alright go to sleep" I reply. After that we both fall asleep.

This had been a pretty good week and it's all because of this sweet, cute and most awkward person I know nerd. I'm glad I met him he's a great friend. Maybe he'll even be a best friend one day or more...
No! I can't think like that. Maybe it's just a tiny crush but I know this is a good thing. He is a positive influence on me as a parent would say.

-Authors Note-
Awe! They snuggled!
So he stood up for her again!
Have you ever drank?
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