Hanging Out

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-Later on-

We are setting up snacks and movies. Derek's friends will be arriving any minute, I can't help but to think...what if they don't like me? I've never seen them before because they go to some elite school for smart kids, Derek's mom could no longer afford the tuition so he moved here.

"Okay they're coming up" he informs me while looking at his phone. I also invited Lucy she just moved here a couple a weeks ago.

I was walking to math when I heard crying coming from the bathroom I quietly walk into the bathroom. I see a girl around my age crying in a
She messy blonde hair and is wearing a knee length flowery dress. Not my style but cute anyways.

"Hey, it's okay..." I say stepping closer to her.

She stands up and wipes her eyes furiously which makes he makeup to smudge. I stand next her.

"I-I have no body..." She says sniffing.

"You just move here?" I ask.
She nods and wipes her nose.

"My dad took a job here" she informs me. I take some tissues and wet them. I gently wipe the smeared makeup from her eyes.

"Well, if you want to you can hangout with me and my friends" I suggest she looks at me wide eyed.

"You wouldn't mind?" She asks surprised.

"Course not, you seem cool" I compliment she chukles.

"I'm Lucy Celler" she says now smiling.

"Ali-just Ali" I reply

End of flashback:

I put the last bowl of popcorn on the table and grab some sodas out of the fridge I hear people at the door and Derek greeting them. I see my friends Lucy and Smoke then two boys and a girl in a really short skirt.

"Guys this is my girlfriend Ali." Derek smiles and takes my hand.

"So this nerd got a girl before me?" A red headed boy about 6'0 tall says.

"Oh hush josh. I'm Martin." The other boy introduces I smile. He has brown hair and is quite short for a boy...

"Hey you're really pretty.." Josh smiles wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Okay okay no flirting with my girl!" Derek warns.

"Looks like you forgot me!" The girl in the short skirt says. She's way taller than me well pretty much anyone is. She has really pale skin and is wearing very revealing clothes.

"This is Livia" Derek introduces quickly and puts me behind him defensively.

"Oh, you didn't tell her?" Livia ask with an amused expression.

"Tell me what?" I ask confused.

"Derek and I use to date" she replies proudly. For some reason I get mad.

"Well let's get to the movie!" Josh says awkwardly.

We all walk to the living room. I go to sit on the floor but Derek pulls me into his lap. He looks at Livia with pure hate.

"What's wrong?" I whisper as the movie begins.

"She's always messing with me" he replies agitated.

"Then why did you invite her?" I ask.

"I didn't want to be rude." He whispers and shrugs just as Livia looks over at us Derek pulls me closer and kisses me...with a lot of passion.

"Ay! No lovey dovey shit!" Smoke yells throwing a pillow at us. We break apart.

"We can talk about this later" Derek whispers and kisses my cheek.

"I don't want you hanging out with her..." I say jealously he smirks.

"Well well, is Ali cat jealous?" He teases.

"What? Of course not!" I lie I really don't know why I'm jealous I've never been this way before...

"Yea sure-" Derek starts. But is interrupted.

"This is boring! Let's get drunk!" Livia yells. She turns off the TV and walks to the fridge.

"Can we go talk in your room?" I ask quietly. He nods we go to stand up but Lucy stops me.

"You can't leave me! I'm new!" She wines I sigh.

"Hey why don't you talk to josh he's been eyeing you for a while..." I whisper in her ear. She giggles and nods. Smoke is engrossed in a conversation with Martin about only God knows what.

We head to Derek's room. We sit on the bed and cover up with the covers.

"I don't care you're friends with her. I'm just saying be careful" I say. He nods and kisses my hand.

"You know I use to be a very shy guy, now I feel more confident" he admits.

"Awe, you make me feel like it's okay to be sensitive" I reply.

"So I taught you to be sensitive? Wow how manly am I?" He says sarcastically.

"No. You taught me that it is okay to have a soft side." I correct he rolls his eyes.

"Come on let's go watch Netflix" he says standing up.

"Noooo! Let's stay here pwease.." I say giving my best puppy dog face.

"Ugh...don't give me that look" he grunts I take his hand.

"Pwease" I repeat sweetly he huffs and sits down he then starts pouting. "Wanna kiss?" I tease he perks up.

He leans in and kisses me softly and sweetly and even though we don't say those three words I know...I can tell every time we kiss we are ment to be.

-Authors Note-
Okay how was that?
I hope you enjoyed!
New chapter Sunday!
The pic is Ali's new friend Lucy...
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