"in the woods with a handsome boy."

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"Well, that's... great? No, you use terms of endearment for people you really do like. We've just met. Well, if I actually went into this then I could put up an argument about it..." I murmured, being snapped out of it by David's laughter. "God, you so funny!" I found myself smiling, "so, how come your still here? I thought your mom was pacing the floor?" He said, "oh, no. She's baking... Lord knows why, we have enough bread to give the fricken werewolves in Twilight a run for their money..." I said and he smiled, "so does that mean we can hang out?" He asked, "maybe come school, well, you'll probably have a lot on your plate, dealing with everyone at school, wanting to be your best friend or girlfriend." "Will you be there?" He asked, a seductive smile on his lips. "Yeah, no. I have better things to do with my life than wait in a crowded line, you'll find me waiting for my friend." I said and heard my older brother call for me. I waved to him before running quickly away, yes, I'm fat, I look funny when I run because I'm short, but damn am I fast for a short period of time.
My feet hit the deck, "did you find it?" My mom asked, "I remembered I didn't wear it... God, you guys need to keep track of this so I don't waste my time." I muttered and Reese laughed, "shut it Reese's pieces." I said and took off his hat and placing it on the outdoor table. "Your phone rang while you were gone." Calvin said, "thanks for telling me short stuff." He was only five feet. Just shorter than me, I make it a point to gloat while I can. I ran to my room, dinner in hand, when my whole family comes down we have dinner early so the adults can drink and be merry. I raced back, stole away Ellis's brussle sprouts and gave him his six peanut butter cups we agreed on, one more so I could make sure he wouldn't go back on our deal. I popped most of the sprouts in my mouth, I don't know why people don't like them, the way mom makes them is delicious... I looked at my phone, a call from Gina, surprise there. I called her back, she instantly picked up. "Girl, where were you?" I rolled my eyes, "in the woods with a handsome boy." "Really?!" Gina squealed, but it sounded forced, "no, I was being sarcastic. I'll leave the cute boy's to you. Now, what did you call about before?" I asked, chuckling a bit, "oh, yeah." I innerly sighed. "That party, sure I can't get you to go? I mean, come on, everyone will be there." She said, "Gina, I still detest the alcohol consumption and the marijuana usage at a party, I don't even know why it was made legal, even for medical use, it's stupid. But don't let that stop you from going." She wouldn't listen. She never does. No matter how much I try and stop her, I gave up after the third party she went to, that was back in Sophomore year. She clicked her tongue, "fine. But you will find a "do not disturb" sign on my bedroom door." I nodded, hating how she uses boys for sex only. The boys don't mind. Gina hasn't felt the real spark of love, or relationship, in a long, long time. Ever since some guy back in fifth grade braking her heart, it ended with me walking up to him, I was rather intimidating when I was younger, and kicking him where the sun doesn't tread and when he was down, punching his face in, causing him to cry and me to be in detention for a week and a half. Ever since then, Gina has drifted, she's nearly all gone, that once loveable person, nearly gone...


I got home and Joshua took one whiff of me, "who have you been hanging out with?" He asked, he's my older brother, I'm actually the youngest at seventeen. "... she's... our neighbor." I said, he gave a smirk, one of those knowing older brother smirks. "I can only hope she's your "life mate"." He said, we have refused to used the over used, cliché term of soul mate in this house. Joshua, who is early thirties, has already found his, my other brothers; Luke late twenties, Sage nearly twenty seven, Evan, twenty, and Ian sitting just an age above me at eighteen, well, except Ian, has also found their Life Mate. They all live with us in this huge house, and my one sister; Bethany who is twenty six, not twenty five as she likes to say, every one of her birthdays, lives with us along with her Life Mate. My family is complicated, so it goes Joshua and his wife Hailey, Luke and his girlfriend Lydia, Sage and Evan with the pair of twins Haru and Hana, and Beth and her husband Ash. Ian and I are literally the only one's who haven't gotten our Life Mate... well, I guess it's just Ian now, nearly, I've only talked to Sam a hand full of times... I'll just have to work on fixing it.

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