"Your worth it baby."

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Friday came and I knew what I was going to do! There was a dance coming up, David already asked me and I said that I would. But that's not what I wanted to tell him. I had fallen hard for him. His goofy smile, his ability to care, I love him! I turned the corner, I had written a letter because I knew my voice would fail me just when I need it. I looked up and what I saw... wasn't what I wanted to see... Jane, eating David's face off, and he wasn't stopping her. I dropped the letter and ran, keeping in my sobs and cries of pain. I knew that I shouldn't have trusted anyone with my heart!
I made it out to my car and began to drive away. I don't care anymore, I don't care about the project, even though I did turn it in this morning when I got here. My mind raced back to Jane kissing David, my grip tightened on the wheel, bracing myself the potholes in the driveway.
I flopped down on my bed and into the pillow, hearing the faint sound of a car coming down the drive. Looking up and out the window, I saw a car, containing Beth and Hailey. I felt my heart break even more as each knock came to the front door. I jerked the door open, drying my tears away from my eyes. "Sweetheart," my heart tore again and a sob escaped my lips. "Are you alright? What happened?" Beth asked as they rushed to hug me, these two runway quality girls, one pregnant at seven months. I felt another sob escape and I shook my head, not daring myself to speak, knowing my voice would fail me. "Was it David?" Hailey offered, I nodded, I could only imagine how stupid I looked right now. "What did he do?" Beth asked, rubbing my back, calming me down enough to speak. I shook my head, not wanting to feel the pain once again... "Sweetheart, we won't know what to do if you don't tell us." Beth said, becoming very logical. "Him... and Jane were... kissing in the hall at school." I bit my lip as I felt my heart jerk left and right. Hailey stood, looking ready to kill, and dialed a number on her cell phone. "What the actual fuck man?" She growled into the speaker. "No, don't talk, just listen. Sam isn't at school because she's too busy crying!" I now regretted telling them what happened at school... "I don't think she'd like to see you! We are picking you up and we, as a family, are going to talk to you about your punk ass behaviour!" I lightly touched her arm and shook my head, she pulled away from her phone. "Your worth it baby." She said and kissed my temple. "Fine, finish that up and then get your punk ass outside." She growled and forcefully ended the call. "Beth, you stay with Sam..." I stopped them, "please. I... I should've been more careful. I knew that I was being stupid, and I got nothing in return..." Beth rubbed my back,"honey, David won't stop talking about how much he loves you. So we want to know why he did this. If he thinks he can get out of this without getting an earful then he has another thing coming." Beth said Hailey stormed out. Beth picked me up and I clung to her, scared of the ultimate ending of me being dropped. "Don't worry honey, I won't drop you."
She set me down on my bed after I pointed to my room, "now, you gather up blankets, I'm going to make some cocoa and get some ice cream. I'll be right back. Kay?" I nodded and she left, I felt the pang of pain hit me once again.


I pushed Jane away, she was laughing. "I told her this wasn't over." She said under her breath, I was just trying to wipe away her lip gloss, gross! "The hell did you kiss me for?" I demanded, "as I told you and Sam, I always win." She said and picked something up from the floor.
Warren and I would be presenting our project without Sam today... I wonder where she is? The project was here, so she must have dropped it off this morning. My phone when off and in my futile aim to mute it, it only placed it on speaker. "What the actual fuck man?" She growled, I placed it off of speaker, "Hailey this--." "No, don't talk, just listen. Sam isn't at school because she's too busy crying!" My breath hitched, "I have to see her!" "I don't think she'd like to see you! We are picking you up and we, as a family, are going to talk to you about your punk ass behaviour!" I then heard her say something to Sam, "Hailey, I'm at the front of the class, presenting." I hissed into my phone, I was turned into a corner, away from everyone. "Fine, finish that up and then get your punk ass outside." I grabbed my things and dashed out, and there the car was, with an angry Joshua... "I have to see her!" Joshua shook his head, "Beth is taking care of her. Don't you worry, now, get into the car, you have some explaining to do." Around my family, my pack, kissing someone who isn't your life mate is a whole lot like breaking rules.

We passed Sam's house, it took all my power and Joshua glaring at me in the rearview mirror to keep me from jumping out and hugging her tightly, offering my life and my soul to her. I sat down on the couch, everyone else was looking down at me, except Beth who was with Sam. "Why did you do it?" Joshua growled, alpha of our pack. "I didn't. She did, Jane was the one who kissed me!" I said, looking at the window, seeing Sam's house through the trees. "Well, you broke the rules no less. Your not going to be grounded, but your going to have to get her forgiveness." Joshua said and sent me up to my room. {"This is your fault!"} My wolf was an insecure mess now. ("Don't point your paw at me! This isn't my fault! It's Jane's!") He growled, {"yeah, right. You didn't push her off! It's cost you your girlfriend and cost me my mate!"} He growled. ("I'll go and see her, before she begins to distrust us.") {"You better."}

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