what are you?

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I looked up to my wolf. "You... didn't kill him, there would be blood... I sware, if he's..." my mind twisted to thinking of Jane and him having sex. "Well you know what? I don't care. He's his own person! And I'm... well... I'm just..." I sighed, I picked up the letter and went to rip it but the wolf whimpered, "what?..." I leaned down and looked at him, his eyes... they were the same as David's. "That's silly... you can't be David... no... he's probably, ugh." I sighed, not being able to say it. I hugged my wolf tightly, "maybe I need better glasses..." I said before I felt bones readjust and arms wrap around me! I jumped out of his arms and saw David! "Sam, please, listen to me-!" I began to run deeper into the woods, jumping off the trail and free trekking it.
What is that? How can this be possible? David isn't human! No he's like a... ah crap... I've... fallen in love with a hot shifter werewolf boy. Well, more like I've my heart broken by a hot, sexier than sin, shifter werewolf...


I ran after Sam till she came to a halt, thinking she lost me. She searched for something in her pocket before finding it. I felt a knife draw across my skin, I thought that was just me! Not her cutting herself! I ran over and knocked the box cutter blade to the ground, Sam didn't look up to me, just looked blankly at the forest. "Sam..." I tore my shirt into large strips, she began to tremble, looking at me and pulling back. "No, this... you can't be! You're not human!" I kissed her, shutting her up. She tried to push me away but couldn't. "Sam, just listen..." I said as I wrapped her bloodied wrist. "I... know that I've done nothing but make your life horrible. I know that you must hate me, but I love you more than ever..." she shook her head, "I'm... I don't hate you... David... All that time, watching me? What did you hope to achieve?" "I wanted to protect you!" I stressed, she gave a small laugh, "sounds pretty stalkerish if you ask me." She said, I sighed and rubbed my face. "I know that... I just wanted to keep you safe..." she sighed and shook her head, "how's that working out for you?" She asked sarcastically. "Not very good... can you show me the others?" I asked, she seemed confused before looking down. She lifted the skirt of her dress a bit before expertly pulling her leggings down, not showing me her panties. I saw a dozen or so small cuts and hairline scars decorating both her legs. "Then I have some on my stomach..." I made the "continue" motion. She sighed and pulled up her dress, she was wearing shorts, why wear shorts and leggings? "Those look... New." I said as I lightly touched the red and irritated cuts. She let out a sob, I looked up and held her, "shush, I'm sorry Sweetheart. I didn't mean-" "I do this when I feel insecure. If it's about my weight, I would cut my stomach, hoping that it would help, if it was Jane I'd cut my thighs, but sometimes... I cut my wrists because I know that deep down in my heart that this is... this is wrong." She said and I kissed her forehead. "Just promise me no more. If you can, come talk to me, I'll be here. You can talk to me with anything." I said and pressed out foreheads together. "I... alright..." she said, now not looking at me. I kissed her slightly before she pushed me away, "Stalker." She joked, "only with you, Sweetheart." I whispered and held her close before I picked her up, she went to push me away but held her head, feeling faint. I held her close before rushing her to her car, "where are your keys?" I asked, freaking out now. She reached above the sun visor and the keys dropped onto my legs. She curled up and closed her eyes, "no, baby, you can't fall asleep." She sent me a death glare. "I'm. Tired. So. Shush." She hissed, "if you sleep now you may never wake up again." I said as I rushed to my house. "Sucks to suck..." she said, losing consciousness.
I yanked her and she hit me, she was losing force and losing blood, I was scared. I picked her up and ran inside. "Oh, David...? What the hell did you do to her?!" Joshua asked taking her from me and stopping the bleeding, "I didn't! She was..." I felt tears roll down my cheeks, I felt everything she felt, she was always in great pain but the walls she has placed up numbed me from experiencing her full pain, but this made me, a hard core werewolf Omega, want to cry. "She was what?!" Hailey cried as she wrapped her up carefully. They were the only ones, everyone else was on date night. "She... she..." I felt the tears well up but I have to be strong for my mate. "I told her. She ran away and the stress from earlier, a girl at school was going to expose Sam's pain, so she thought quick and sung an amazing song! But then she ran away and I showed her that I was a werewolf and she freaked out, cut herself up but then began to make jokes out of it. But... I guess the pain forced her shields down and she passed out!" I explained to them, they watched her for a good long while. "You... mean she has that sort of power? She can block you out? I thought that was impossible?" Hailey asked, "it... is... unless you have amazing self-control. Like... out of this world kind of self-control, especially at such a young age and with the hormones going crazy inside of a teenager's body." Joshua said before Sam sat up quickly, as if she was frightened. She looked around and sighed, "hey... you... don't shift into wolves do you?" Hailey laughed, "the guys and Beth do." Sam rubbed her palms into her temples, "I should have known..." she let out a sigh, "so, what are you?" Joshua asked Sam.

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