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I looked out my window and sighed, mom doesn't need to know, it would only stress her out, she luckily doesn't remember the bad news... the very bad news...


"What do you mean distant?" Beth asked, I told her because she dragged it out of me. "She wouldn't talk, she'd barely look at any of us... you don't think anything's wrong?" I asked, "sounds like she's had a bad past with men." She said, I nodded, "thanks Beth." And I left to go to my room, what could be so bad that she would do this? She always seems so ready for anything, she has cried a couple of times, but no duh! Jane was being a total bitch! What happened to her in the past?

Friday finally came around and Sam only became more distant. She was forgetting to do her homework, she began to eat lunch but she did it like it was comfort food. I looked over to Calvin who was biting his lip as he watched her. "Excuse me, I have something to do." She said and Gina stopped her. They just looked at each other and Sam nodded, as did Gina, and Sam left, probably going to her little pond area. "What's wrong with her?" I asked, Gina looked over to Wil and Calvin. They both nodded but Gina shook her head, "nothing. She's fine." Gina said but I got up and followed Sam. She was starring blankly at the glassy pond, leaves fluttering down, Sam not even noticing, her eyes didn't follow like they normally would, but rather... stay, looking at one area. "Sweetheart?" She turned slowly, "hm?" I sat down and wrapped my arms around her, picking her up and cradling her. "Sam, what's wrong?" I asked and she cupped my face. Looking at my lips, as if trying to come up with something to say. "I..." She leaned down into my chest. "Nothing is..." She said and smiled, "come on." I said and she curled up into me, letting me hold her, "I know your lying..." I said and she chuckled, "aren't I allowed to hug you?" She asked, hugging me tightly before letting go. "Yes. You are. But there is something your not telling me." I said and she kissed my cheek. "There's a good many things I won't tell you. If it goes like I think it might then you'll find out." She said and smiled slightly, "let's get back inside. It's getting chilly." I noticed that she didn't have on her sweater. "Where's your sweater?" She looked down, "I knew I was forgetting something... turns out it was my... sweater." She said and looked at her adorable shirt. "Here." I said and pulled my hoodie over her head. She took the hood down and her hair fell out of the elastic. Her hair falling from the top of her head into sexy ringlets. "You should keep your hair like that." I said with a smile, she gave me a small smile back. "Okay..." She said quietly, "you know... I think I'm going for the "hangs out on other people's property," sort of dudes." She said, remembering the first day we officially met. I chuckled before wrapping my arms around her. "And I'm going for the type of girl who talks to wolves and saves baby birds." I teased and she held my hand tightly. "Good."

Free period rolled slowly around, I snuck away to the woodshop room and watched Sam, she tested out another of her trebuchets. She smiled and set it down in her area where there she had many. She cleaned up her area and placed away her tools, she looked so... I don't know... fresh? Wrong word but I'll stick with it. The bell rang and I entered to pick up her things as she pulled my hoodie over her head, she didn't even seem to notice. Her eyes widened and she gave a small smile, "when did you become so fast?" "Since I desperately wanted to see you." I said and kissed her cheek, having to lean down to her near five foot height. She blushed as the guys began to laugh, "seems like little Sammy has a B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D!" Wil said with a grin on his face. "Get to your class." Sam said and lightly punched his arm. We went to the library and she blushed, "I'll return your hoodie after school." She said and I shook my head, "no. Keep it, it looks cute on you." She bit her lip, dragging through her teeth, "thanks." She said and I smiled, wrapping my arms around her.

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