"Either grow up or shut up, short cake."

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After school ended David walked me to my car, Warren zoomed off with a girl on the back. I shrugged, "do you want a ride?" I asked and he smiled a bit, "sure. My brother would like to be alone in the car, blasting the radio without me there to turn it down." I saw Calvin walking to us, "hurry up short stuff." I yelled and he glared at me, "don't call me short." He said and punched me, I laughed and rubbed my now sore shoulder, "ouch man, I can call you short, I'm giving you a ride home." I said as David opened my door for me, I blushed, "thanks David." I said and got in and started the car. Calvin was making a laughing/choking sound. "Either grow up or shut up, short cake." I said as I turned the car on. Some song by Justin Bieber came on and I turned the radio off. We drove home, Calvin wanted to get the mail so he popped out and I drove off. "Should you leave your brother like that?" David asked, "yeah, he needs the exercise. See? He's walking the rest of the way." I said as he disappeared. "So, which road is yours?" I asked and he pointed to the one not far from my house. I went down it to see dense forests, I kept driving till I came to an impressive log house, well, more like a wooden mansion, but same difference. I stopped the car and smiled, "right, so, see you later." I said and he smiled, "I was wondering if, maybe you could come studying, I would also like the notes on what we're doing." I nodded, "yeah, sure. Let me just drop my car off and I'll walk back."


I smiled slightly, "alright." I said and got out, she drove off and my brothers came out, "too bad man." Ian said, "she's coming back." I said and walked inside away from them. I went up to my room, dropped my things off and went into the woods to wait for her. "Of course, scared I'd get lost?" I heard her say, I turned and saw her smiling but then stopped and covered her face, I wonder why? "Yeah, a bit." I said and took her book bag. She looked like she would argue but she just sighed and walked away, only stopping for me to catch up.
We made it back to my place and everyone filed out, smiling at her. Beth and Lydia nearly jumped on her with hugs. "It's so good seeing our little brother making friends." Sam gave a polite smile but dropped it again. We finally made it to my room and I set her things on my bed. She slowly grabbed out her notebook along with her thick rimmed glasses. "Alrighty, here's the notes, might want to copy those down first, then we can get to studying." She said and sat cross legged on my bed and beg an to work on homework, "on second thought, I'll just wait and we can do it together." She said and waited patently for me to finish. She was so silent that I barely noticed she was here.
"Right, then move that there." Sam said, she was leaning over my shoulder, pointing to the page. He breath beside my ear, creating butterflies, I wanted to kiss her so, so badly. "David?" I snapped out it, "hm?" "Your brother asked you if you wanted anything, and I said I had to go." She said as she placed away her glasses along with her journal. "Want me to walk you?" She shook her head, "no thanks, see you tomorrow." And then, she walked away...

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