Happy Christmas

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It was now Christmas. Even though Sam had the shield up, I could feel her happiness. My family invited them over, even though only Sam appeared. And in such a cute cream sweater and in warm looking jeans. I smiled at her festive, mismatching socks and her cute mistletoe head band. She set down gifts under the tree before I snatched her head band off her head and held it above us. She gave a small laugh before standing on her tip toes to reach my lips.
We had present time and Sam waited for everyone to be seated before giving out the gifts I imagined her working so hard on. First Joshua and Hailey opened theirs, for Joshua it was a set of three matching scarfs and for Hailey it was gloves. One pair was large, medium; which had their mark on them, and a small set. Hailey began to cry and smile before she hugged Sam tightly. "Thank you." She whispered, but I still heard it. Luke and Lydia got a pair of beautify designed Christmas ornaments, it was their marks. Little does Sam know that it was a great treat to have the mark of yours be around. It symbolizes many things, endearment namely. "How did you...?" Lydia started, most of the time her hair hides hers and I don't think Sam has spent enough time with Luke to see his. "I'm... just observant." Sam mumbled as she blushed. Luke and Lydia squeezed her tight and hung them on the tree. Sage and Haru opened their gifts, it was a throw with flowers at the edging and their mark in the middle. Sam blushed as Haru kissed Sam's cheek. "You are more than just observant! Your magic!" Sam blushed red before Evan and Hina opened theirs. It was a pair of lockets. Once they opened them there was a small photo of each. Tears fell from Evan's eyes which shocked everyone, he was a prankster who didn't cry. He hugged Sam tightly as he whispered his thanks. Sam handed Ian his gift and gave Gina hers. Sam smiled as they pulled out a pair of charm bracelets with their mark. Yes. Werewolves must mark their mate if you haven't gotten this. And once the mating is over with the other, if human, becomes a werewolf. If your soul mate is a vampire then it could go both ways. Beth and Ash got a whole thing of candles, all of them slightly scented lavender or roses. "Whoa..." "I speculated that your noses were better than mine... so I made sure that it wasn't too strong. But... ah... their bath candles. It's to calm the body." Sam said before Beth attacked her with hugs.
Soon it all came down to me, she looked away as I opened the box quickly to see a photo album. I opened it and saw photos of us that I have taken with her phone, the camera, her kindle, everything. There was notes which I'd go back and read later and a pressed rose and lily. Our mark was on the cover of the album. She blushed, looking away before I pulled her in for a hug and I kissed her cheek. "Thank you Sweetheart." She gave a small nod. I got some envelopes of money from the guys, the girls gave me sweaters. Sam got a dress from Hailey and Beth, sweaters from Haru, Hina, Lydia, and Gina. The guys gave her Christmas money, Joshua gave her a box. Sam opened it slowly and saw that it was empty. She began to laugh. "I shall treasure this forever." She joked, "actually, it's outside." Joshua helped her up and basically dragged her out of the house. There, in the driveway was a dirt bike with a dark blue bow on it. Sam's eyes went wide, "I... couldn't accept this!" Sam said before he handed her the helmet and smiled, "you will soon be my youngest sister-in-law. I can spoil you as much as I like." He said and kissed the top of her head. She hugged him tightly, thank God Joshua was happily married, or else I would have to kill him. "Take her for a bit of a spin?" Josh pleaded. She grinned and placed on her helmet and turned it on. Her hands glided across the handles and she breathed in, making her shoulders raise. She took off, careful not to tear up the yard as she went off quick as a bullet. "She needed that... you can tell she likes those sort of things to take her worries away." Joshua said as Hailey doubled over and Hailey's scream hit Sam's ears who turned and the bike went one way and she went flying into the air! She landed and rolled, yanking off her helmet and ran over. "Oh my God! Are you alright?!" Hailey asked but Sam didn't answer. "Oh. My. God. You're having a baby! A bike fall is nothing to this!" Sam said with a smile. Joshua went to call the pack doctor. "Damn! She's on vacation!" "What's wrong?" Gina asked, Sam was getting warm water and clean cloth. "We can't have a human doctor take care of Hailey or the baby. If it shifts then we'll be in deep trouble!" Josh freaked, Hina looked like she had an idea. "Sam?" Sam looked away for a second before focusing on our Luna. "What?" "Are you up to doing you're dream job?" Gina asked, "so. You were spying on me." Sam said as she tried to calm Hailey down. "Don't worry Hailey. Nothing will happen." Sam assured her, "how can you be so sure?!" Hailey yelled, "because. I'll protect you and help you and this pup." Sam said and checked.
"Right, Hailey, you're fully dilated. I want you to push." It has been hours. Sam was being careful, I learned from Gina that Sam studied when she was small about giving birth, shocking her classmates. I found it to be funny. The wailing of a baby was sounding through the room. "Josh? Wanna cut the umbilical cord?" Sam asked and pointed where to cut. "What is it?" Hailey demanded.

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