Chapter 9: Kairi

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I continued to run through the hallway, and thought about what Nattily had told me. War? Why, there's no reason to fight. It's meaningless, yet, everyone at the Academy are trained as soldiers. This school was made to train soldiers. Why would they need to train soldiers, if there wasn't going to be war anymore? It doesn't add up, not one bit... and maybe that's a naïve way of thinking... though...

I slowed my pace. I frowned and nodded in confusion.

"I'm just over-thinking this is all." I said out loud to myself, and walked slower through the hall.

I shook my head and tried to get out the entire idea. I don't want to think about it. It would have been better if I hadn't even known about it. I thought of Alex. They wouldn't send him off would they? He's hurt, and he can't fight. I thought hard about it, and realized that even if he doesn't go, I will! I will leave him again...

I walked just a little faster. I'm not going to go anywhere! I just found him, but the only way I could stay would be...! My heart started to pound out of my chest. I grew a slight tinge in my cheeks at the thought of it. The only way I am going to stay with him is if we become... become, p-p-partners. That would be moving really fast, after just meeting him again after all these years... and would he accept her? We already kissed though, so of course he would, right?

I fidgeted in frustration and stopped to lean against the wall. It's cold; however I'm already tired of standing.

Even if we do become partners would I be ready to, t-t-t-to, to... I felt cheeks start to burn up and my heart pounded in my chest. I shook my head to get rid of the idea.

"I'm just going to have to be honest with him, I can't hold back anymore. He already showed me how he feels, now I need to do the same" I said out loud to encourage myself. I smiled more determined. I'm going to stay here with him, whether he likes it or not. Or anyone else for that matter. Besides, after leaving him alone for so many years, I have to make it up for him. When I left the orphanage, I left my only family behind. Now I am going to make sure I never lose him again! Since I ran away from that place... that orphanage... since I told Alex I was going to leave with a new family... I have to make it right, and I will be by his side from now on. I love him so much... and I can't be without him again... I just... I just can't!

I straightened out, pushed off the wall and ran through the hallway just a bit faster. How far had me and Nattily even gone? It's like we walked in one huge circle.

I turned right down the next hallway and reached the opening to the partner dormitories. Students are lounging around, some guarding the huge pile of scrap metal in the center of the room, aka; the huge metal dog monster, thing; and the others are probably in their rooms. I looked for Alex around the bottom floor. I wonder where he could have gone...

I looked towards the shop and spotted him near it, as he is holding a little girls hand. Wait, a little girl? Who is she?

I started to walk up to them. It looks like Alex and the girl are, somewhat, arguing. He kneeled down next to her so he was her height and continued to hold onto the little girl's hand. The girl complained that she didn't want to go back to her room, and puffed out her cheeks at him as she pulled away from his hand. Alex kept his cool and talked to the girl calmly and patiently. He looks like he likes children, like he knows how to be a parent already... Wait!!! There is no way in hell that kid is his, is there?! I shook my head. No that's not what it is. He wouldn't do something so indecent... would he?!

Hesitantly I tapped Alex on his shoulder. I watched as he turned around, but still held onto the girl's hand, who had hid behind him. Alex smiled the instant he saw me.

"Hey Kairi. Have a good talk with your friend?"

I looked at the little girl. Impulsively I asked,

"Who's the little girl?!"

Alex laughed a little.

"She's Willis's daughter. Her names Celia."

I sighed at his answer, relieved. I didn't know Willis had a daughter. Alex's smile faded a little and he looked at Celia. Quietly he whispered,

"I've been watching her, since Willis and his partner are..."

That's right... Willis is off following his partner... Celias mother...

"Have you heard anything-?"

Alex nodded.

"Her mother's going to be fine. Willis is coming to get Celia now..."

"That's good to hear..."

Alex bit his lip, and looked at me.

"Well, now that your here... I, uh, er...." He started to blush, and looked away slightly. He's cute when he stutters over his words, like when he was little. I just called him cute...

I waited eagerly for his question. I wish he would stop playing with my heart strings already and say it! I already gave my heart to him... please just say it... well... it's not like he can read my thoughts... or like he would ask to be her partner out of the blue...

Alex sighed, and cleared his throat.

"K-Kairi. You're someone who's very dear to my heart and I... you're the only girl I've ever kissed. And I just, well, I..."

He stopped suddenly. My heart beat rhythmically out of my chest, and my blood is pumping faster.

"Just say-"

Alex, grabbed and kissed me. In front of everyone, how embarrassing!! I blinked bewildered, as he let go.

"Kairi, would you be my partner?! I love you and I..."

He asked loud enough for just about everyone to hear. His cheeks flushed, and I felt mine turn rosy. I looked around to see a lot of the other students grouped around us. I hardly just noticed them... and they all watched as-

Did he just ask me?! Did Alex... Did Alex just ask me, to share my life with him? He actually asked me.

The little girl smiled and glared at me curiously. The others that surrounded us did the same. All the attention is getting me nervous... I have to say something...

"Yes... I do...!"

I hugged Alex tightly. His arms wrapped around me in return... If only this could last forever. A loud cheer came from the crowd and the little girl clapped her hands. I promised herself something a long time ago, and now it's happening. Thank you god, for answering my prayers. Please... just let them get out of this war alive.

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