Chapter 49: Jace

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I finally got out of that room. All it took was half of my body being slammed against the wall for what seemed an eternity. My shoulder is bloodied, and bruised but I am finally out! Heh. Be ready you insolent bastard! Your son is coming to kill you. You who ruined my childhood; my life-who made me a pawn! It's almost time to end it all!

I wondered through the empty halls of the castle, until I came inside a giant room. It's absolutely massive...

It looks as if it stretches towards the heavens as I looked up. It is a greatly lit room, fire lit torches along the walls. A giant chandelier of candles hanging over the center if the room. A large staircase spiraled upwards, at the very end of the room, a red carpet on the ground that leads up to it. I cracked a smile.

"Must be important."

I took a few paces towards the staircase as I he realized a dark figure is standing in front of it. I can figure who it is.

"Hello father."

I waited for an answer.

He clapped in applause for a few seconds then, stood strait and took off his hood to reveal my father's face. Big surprise. He looks a lot like me I think... Same blond hair, same blue eyes... The only difference being one of us is older and the other is younger. However, only one of us is getting out of here alive.

But first, I need to know a few answers for questions I have.

"I have a few questions, old man."

My father nodded his head in a yes, and asked,

"Why, Jace? My machine start thinking on its own now?"

He just tried to offend me by reminding me that's what I was a pawn that's to be used by him. Not anymore... so how dare he call him a machine!!!

"Shut up!! Shut the f__k up! I am not your machine! I am a human being!"

"No you aren't, you are my son, and an angel. You still haven't fallen yet."

The man replied. I paused, confused. Angel? Why did it sound like he was actually trying to be nice? No. Impossible.

"Enough lies!"

I yelled firmly,

"First question. Why the hell did this all start with that case? Why was it so important?"

My father snarled, then took a step onto the staircase.

"A reason, you ask? A reason? Why, it is really quite simple. The reason was to start this war. I sent that case to some military spies here in the western hemisphere and said it was of upmost security and needed to be delivered at all costs to the academy. They were easy to influence. Then I made it so my soldiers caused them problems and forced the case into the academy, where I learned they gave the case to the person you call Sensei; Mr. Avegachi, was it? Then, I staged that attack for two reason. One was to kick start the war, and force the Academy into action. Alex, was collateral, but I needed him alive as well. I soon reclaimed the western hemisphere as the last nail. Once the government declared war, I sent a demand to your government to send all soldiers from the Academy over to the western hemisphere as a tribute for peace. And two, it was all so that you, my son, would be sent here, and so I could take all the people I needed for the new world from the Academy. That was the reason, you are here. Without having this reason, you would never be here. Without him, being stabbed, you would never have been here, at this very moment..."

I feel baffled by his answer. Alex was stabbed over reason? Forget reason. That has to be a lie... reason.... is this what he calls reason? It seems illogical to have made it this complicated!

"Fine then. My last question,"

I want to finish talking to him as soon as I can,

"In the last war, I heard you had an AI that went rouge and grew a mind of its own. What the hell happened? Why was it never recovered? Why were we told that, if it's a lie?!"

My father smiled wide and pointed at me.

"That would be you. This "AI" you are talking about, is merely you. You who will fulfill my dreams. You who were never discovered. You-my greatest machine!. And the government needed to explain it somehow, didn't they? They knew it wasn't an AI, they didn't know what it was. So, they said it was a computer. But you, you are the AI, which I trained and programmed for so many years."

My father chuckled, stretched his back, and turned into a more serious look.

"It's funny, Jace. Many humans look for peace with themselves.

They created gods to forgive all their deeds so they could feel better inside. Though, only one is real. But some.... some do not follow faith; some humans need to know everything in a way they hope is true, that they can prove. Even when god exists... I met him myself. They try to get rid of anything that they can't explain... because they are scared. Scared that there really is god, a higher power above them that will sentence them to death because they refused to believe, and did every sin they could muster. They are scared of emotion, of feelings, because they can't explain it to themselves, explain that there are things more powerful than them. That they are nothing but ants under a boot. Yet they all believe in hell, because somewhere deep down, they know what they have done. They know where they are going. So they try to use whatever they can, do all they want, so they don't think about it. They distract themselves from the truth! So that they can hide these feelings!! They all need a reason to live.... even when we are dirt, and return to it as destiny dictates. And now, all you need is more reason, reason to continue my work. Everything needs reason, Jace. There are only two motivators, in life. And I know them well. Love and anger. They are all that have influenced the world, and right now, the motivation you need is negative, and all the anger you can boil deep inside your heart!!! Perhaps after he dies, you will do what you were born for!!!"

My father sprouted wings and flew up the staircase, black feathers falling behind him.

I ran towards where he had once stood. What did he mean after he died-!!?

Alex?! He means Alex. You bastard! Not if I can help it! This world isn't yours anymore! It never was. It's mine. And Alex deserves to be in it, if any one deserves to live in his world, it's Alex. And as much as it pains him, so does the rest of the academy, and Alex's partner. As far as I care, they earned their lives. Because I care about Alex, I will let his family live! So don't you dare die on me! Alex... Alex!!

I ran up the stairs, as hard as I could. Each step harder and faster than the one before. The clanging of metal against my boots. My shoulder burning from the cuts on it, yet I hardly notice the pain. I know that it is all worth it. It's almost time... for the new world. My world.

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