Chapter 1: Who Are You?

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Taylor poured drinks to the two men sitting in front of her. Staring her down , that was an occurrence. The older man was Biting his lips seductively making her extremely uncomfortable. She turned away and pretended to busy herself with something else up until the man called for her.

"Hey little thing come over here." He called out over the music. Taylor walked over as calm as she could. Something that she was used to doing. Working as a bartender in the most bad part of the city wasn't the best idea but she needed a job and this was the only placed she seemed to be able to get into.

"Can I get you something else?" She asked reaching for the mans empty glass at the same time he gripped her wrist.

"Sir , can you please take your hands off of me." She quietly said but as strongly as her voice would come out. The man looked at her and down to her chest area before he let her go roughly. Taylor quickly grabbed the drink feeling her wrist throb as she turned around and she poured more liquid into the glass.

"Is this man bothering you?" A tall blonde girl stood now next to the guy who was harassing her. Taylor turned around and looked between the two a little worried she slid the drink to the guy.

"Can I get you anything?" Taylor asks her completely ignoring what she asked. Going back to her work persona.

The girl let out a sarcastic laugh. "Hey what's your name?" She asked the man as he lit a cigarette. She answered before he could speak. "Dick? Alright I'm just gonna call you dick. So dick , lay a hand on her again and you'll have to go through that guy Riiiight over there." She speaks almost lightheartedly , pointing to a bouncer guy at the door.

As the man looks over to the bouncer he's already staring dangerously at the man. The man swallows hard and nods his head. Taylor watches the girl snap her fingers and tug her head forward as the large bouncer guy that Taylor has never spoken to walks up. Grabs the man by his shirt and walks him out.

Once that was taken care of the tall girl grabs his never touched glass and chugs down on it , taking a seat.

"You didn't have to do that... But thank you..." Taylor says embarrassedly wiping the counter in front of the girl that she has yet to know the name of.

"Don't thank me. Anyone sober enough to be watching would have done the same thing I'm sure." She speaks not really holding eye contact with the bartender.

"So , you were watching m- have you been here before? I've never seen you." Taylor asks changing what she was previously going to say.

"Been here nearly every day for the past 4 months." She says swirling the glass around on the table. Taylor nods , she's only been working here for going on 3 months herself. Never has she noticed this girl here. She's never even walked up to the bar for a drink , if she had , Taylor would have for sure caught her eye. Considering she's the only bartender that works here.

"May I ask why you're here every day if you don't work here?" Taylor wonders.

"Sure but I won't answer you." She says emotionless. Taylor was beginning to get the vibe that this girl wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. She had a dark aura about her.

"Okay... What about your name?"

"Look , I did you a favour. Giving me an interview isn't needed." She says stubbornly. Hopping of the stool she was sitting on.

"Because I asked your name?" Taylor wasn't sure she should laugh or feel offended so she did both. Letting out a short laugh and feeling offended.

"You shouldn't talk to strangers Taylor." She says glancing at Taylor's name tag before she turns around without a second glance.

Taylor got to her condo around 3am locking up her door she took off her shoes and name tag , setting them on her table in her kitchen. She sighed sitting on the couch , she gripped her wrist and massaged it a bit. Looking at it there was a slight bruise , nothing too bad.

That girl was weird. Taylor thought , all throughout the night she couldn't really stop thinking about who that girl was , why she was so quick to not answer the simple question of her name.

Shaking those thoughts away , Taylor began to unbutton her shirt when a loud banging on the door scared her. She ran to the door looking through the peep hole she saw it was the girl from the bar , and Taylor was now more confused then ever. Opening it up she barges in.

"Someones following you." She says going to Taylor's back door in the kitchen looking through it.

"Yeah you." Taylor says re buttoning her shirt. Following after her. What is going on?

"No those assholes at the bar. I saw them when you left." She says now checking Taylor's windows as she just watches her , with her arms crossed.

"I thought you left after we had that talk? why are you watching me?" Taylor asked confused.

"Not important." She flatly says.

"Who are you?" Taylor asks. The girl just looks at Taylor , Taylor getting a small glimps of her eyes. Those are so bright. She thought seeing a small waves of green.

"Maybe they changed their mind once they saw me coming." She says going back to the front door.

"Who are you?" Taylor asks again.


"Okay now see was that so bad? Now I know your name." Taylor says shaking her head. Karlie looks at her and opens up the front door.

"Pretend I wasn't here okay?" Karlie says walking out.

"Wait what?" Taylor rushes to the door but Karlie closes it faster then Taylor could stop it.

A/N: In this story Karlie is the badass as you can see. The bad girl , doesn't follow rules , does things her way type of deal. This is an AU clearly I hope you like it. If you're reading my other Kaylor Fan fic , I'll still be updating that so don't worry :)

Let me know in the comments of you like this and maybe I'll upload the 2nd chapter soon :)

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