Chapter 33: Made It

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"So how's the girlfriend?"

"She's not my girlfri— well actually at this point I don't really know." Karlie says in deep thought.

"Um you're gone for like 2 days and now suddenly you may actually be something?" Kimberly asks in disbelief. "Where is she? Is she with you?"

"No , I'm getting us some breakfast." Karlie says pulling into a local McDonald's. It wasn't something she'd normally eat but Taylor was in the mood for some fast food so she'd deal with it for now.

"Breakfast? its like two in the afternoon."

"Well we had a late night and so we slept in. No more questions." Karlie replies quickly before her sister got deeper into the talk of their night.

Kimberly smirks over the phone.
"Karlie you're practically glowing over the phone."

"You don't know what you're talking about." Karlie says getting off the truck and heading inside.

"Yeah okay." Kimberly rolls her eyes even if her sister couldn't see it.

"I'm going to hang up no—"

"No! Wait! I'm not done interrogating you!"

"Fuck hold on." Karlie says.

Kimberly waits and over hears her older sister ordering food. She tilts her head up , annoyed that her sister cut her off just so she could order food.

"Actually kimby let me call you back Taylor's calling me." Karlie says after handing over her credit card and seeing Taylor's name flash up on her screen. She hears Kimberly sigh before the line just goes dead. Karlie shakes her head and answers her phone.

"Is everything okay?"

"Did you order yet?" Taylor's asks.

"Maybe why?"

"Can you bring me back an orange juice?" Taylor asked shyly as she was still laying down in the bed wrapped up in blankets. Karlie smiles to herself "Yes I'll bring you an orange juice."

"Okay Thank you I'll let you go now..."

Karlie laughs "Okay I'll see you when I get back."

"See you when you get back.."

"I'm going to hang up now." Karlie says but not even close to hanging up the phone. The giddiness in each of their voices was very much still present.

"Me too." Taylor has the biggest smile on her face as she loses a hand in her own hair , staring at absolutely nothing. She was picturing Karlie over the phone. "... I love you." Taylor says right before they truly were going to hang up. If only Taylor could hear or feel how fast Karlie's heart picked up hearing that over the phone for a goodbye. Will that be the new goodbye every time? Karlie thought for a quick second. Not wanting to keep Taylor waiting in hearing the words back as quick as she needs to.

"I love you Taylor."

Taylor never thought she'd love hearing her name so much until they were attached to a 3 worded phrase coming from Karlie Kloss who she loves very much and that makes her so unbelievably happy.


Taylor traces her finger against the reddish mark right at her hip bone it was still tender to touch. She didn't realise she'd have so many red spots that she actually doesn't mind being there. In fact she wouldn't mind if the red spots scattered about her skin stayed there forever. It was a reminder of her first time with Karlie , the marks made by Karlie. Showing her how close and intimate they got. It made her ache and get aroused just thinking about it. But her thoughts were cut short when the keys started to wiggle into the lock of the door confirming Karlie was back with their breakfast.

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