Chapter 27:

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"There's nothing out there. I just checked the entire perimeter." Karlie says once Taylor opened the door with a worried expression. Karlie steps in the now darken house.

"Although there was a raccoon on top of the trashcan out back so that could be - you're really shaken up." Karlie said seeing pure fear in Taylor's eyes still. Karlie being there not doing much to ease it away. Taylor walked to turn on a table lamp.

"After everything that's happened. Yes , I was scared." Taylor spoke trying to wipe her shaky clammy hands on her shorts. Karlie sighs , removing her black leather jacket and placing her gun on the table. Taylor's eyes get wide.

"I-I have a small kitten wondering around , you c-can't leave that there."

Karlie listened to her and picked up the small gun without saying anything further , sticking it inside the waist of her jeans at her back and pulling her shirt over it. She wonders to Taylor and grabs her hands. Feeling that they were clammy. "You're fine. It was a raccoon." Karlie says pulling her closer in assurance.

"I know... I just...I couldn't help but think the worse." Taylor breathed trying to relax and calm herself down. But after everything that has happened with her dad so far she couldn't help but worry in the worse way.

"You're okay. You're safe. I promise." Karlie assured with the most sensitive way she knew how. Some how that worked because she saw Taylor's shoulders physically relax by her voice. Karlie brought Taylor's hand to her lips and lightly kissed it. Being a complete surprise for Taylor. Karlie's come to find herself not liking it when seeing Taylor upset in any way.

Taylor watched as Karlie let her lips linger on her skin. Making her body breakout in chills. Momentarily making her forget about the things she was worried about. She took a giant step forward pulling her hand away she wraps her arms around Karlie's neck instead , pulling her in tightly against her as their lips meet in for a deep kiss. Karlie gently places her hands at Taylor's hips , her shirt bunched up slightly letting Karlie experience Taylor's skin for the first time beneath her finger tips. With a slow swipe of the tongue from Taylor , all thoughts are wiped clean. The only thing they can each focus on is each other. Taylor stumbled forward taking control over the situation she gripped Karlie's neck before her hands ran down her sides where she then placed her hands over Karlie's wrist. Karlie hesitated before she moved her mouth away and connected it to Taylor's skin on her neck. Gently trailing kisses down to her collarbones , her her tongue ran against her skin , Taylor's legs physically began to shake as she gripped Karlie's shoulder's to keep her steady.

"I got you." Karlie said with a laugh that vibrated against Taylor's skin as she lifted Taylor up by her thighs wrapping her legs around her waist as she walked her over to the couch and laid her down gently. Taylor kept her legs wrapped firmly around Karlie's hips holding her tightly against her. They kissed with a lot more force , hands tangled in each other's hair. Before Karlie knew it , Taylor's hands were squeezing the bottom of her shirt slowly raising it up before Taylor's shaky hand slid down to the front of her jeans unbuttoning it with ease , That's when Karlie stopped her , firmly grabbing Taylors hands with her own as she breathlessly pulled away from their kiss.

"Taylor wait."

Taylor's cheeks turn red feeling pain of rejection. Mostly Embarrassment. Without saying anything Karlie continues ,

"You're... A virgin." She says feeling like a complete bitch for even saying that but Karlie wasn't sure still if She should be the one to take that from her. Even if she is falling for her in ways she never thought were possible. Taylor doesn't say anything she just abruptly gets up , Pushing Karlie off of her unexpectedly in the process.

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