Chapter 8: Stop looking

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"Um I can feel your stare." Karlie mumbled removing her ear bud out of one ear. Taylor awkwardly coughed and sat up fixing the shirt she was wearing. She started folding up the blankets.

"Not even going to try and deny it?" Karlie asked moving her weights and setting them in the corner where they go. She grabbed her water and drank the cold liquid.

"Why would I try to deny it?" Taylor asked. Karlie walked to her kitchen without a reply. Taylor sighed and grabbed her clothes that she was wearing yesterday. "Is it okay if I change?" She asked already making her way to the bathroom.

"Sur- dammit." Karlie hissed rushing to stick her hand in water. Taylor put the clothes down and went to see what had happened.

"What happened?!" She anxiously and nervously asked watching the blood drip down from Karlie's thumb. Whatever pain she was sure karlie was feeling she hid it quite well.

"Oh my gosh! Karlie you need to get that stitched up!" Taylor began to panic seeing the wound alot better since Karlie pulled it away from the water. She looked at the counter and saw a sharp blade for cutting boxes on the counter along with a brand new pair of scissors that where cased up in a thick plastic cover. You needed scissors just to get to the band new pair of scissors.

Karlie walked away and went into bathroom. Her cut stung like a bitch , she grabbed rubbing alcohol and dumped the liquid all over it. She bit her lip tight as the pain intensified. She didn't want to come off as someone who was that weak , so she made an attempt to keep a straight face. Fuck you fuck you  fuck you. She said in her head to take her mind off the pain.

"Are you okay?" Karlie hears Taylor ask from the door way looking over briefly she grabs a bandaid and puts it on. The bleeding hadn't stopped but she did care. A little blood didn't scare her.

"I'm fine."

"Karlie you can't do that , that'll get infected you sliced the middle of your thumb." On impulse Taylor reached for Karlie's wrist. Karlie pulled it away as quick as Taylor had grabbed it.

"Don't touch me." She glared and walked passed her , back into the kitchen trying to open up the pair of scissors once more as if nothing had happened.

She's so mean.

Taylor thought before picking up her clothes and heading into the bathroom to change. She was annoyed with the taller girl at this point. Karlie had so many walls up and rules , Taylor was beginning to think that maybe there was something wrong with herself that Karlie just didn't like , and that bothered her.

After washing herself up and brushing her teeth with her index finger , the best thing she had at the moment. She walked out of the bathroom going straight to the front door.

"Where you heading?" Karlie asked , turning her head and seeing her by the door with her heels on.

"Work." Taylor mumbled opening the door fully and stepping out. Karlie got off the couch and walked over stopping the door from closing.

"What happened to studying?"

"Its all in my room. I probably won't be back here until tonight by the way. Just a place to sleep. And so you can have your privacy. I'll go to work , and figure something out from there." Taylor speaks stepping down the steps. She was done with trying with karlie. Even just the way Karlie was looking at her now she just knew karlie didn't like her. She wasn't fond of her presence. And Taylor felt so stupid for not seeing it or catching it before.

Karlie was confused , Taylor was suddenly acting distance. Not that she really cared , it was better for them to have distance in the first place but she couldn't help but ask the next question ,
"What did I do?"

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