Chapter 22: Why Are You Here?

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Scott and Toni both turned when hearing Karlie's presence. Scott had a smile of a innocent man when deep down everyone who knew him knew he was a monster. No one knows that better then Karlie.

"Ah! Karlie , i was just about to check in with you. Toni catched me up with everything so far." He beamed placing a hand on Toni's shoulder and giving it a firm grip. Karlie's face was set to stone as she pulled out her phone.

"Its 1:14 in the morning Scott. What are you doing here?" She asked a set tone to voice so dark and full of hatred that not even Toni was prepared for. This was always how Scott would see Karlie. She was a dream on his work team. He was looking for someone like her.

"He's here to see her. It is her birthday after all..." Toni said. Not exactly happy to see him either.

Karlie looked over to him with crossed arms. "Her birthday was 2 hours ago. Its the next day. You're late."

Scott took a step forward. Standing in front of Karlie now. He eyes her from top to bottom. "Where's my daughter at Karlie?" He spoke in a deep clear deathly tone.

After from what Karlie had learned about him , the pain Taylor still suffers through , the permanent marks cut deep within her flesh and scared into her memory. There was absolutely no way in hell she was going to let him step even a foot within Taylor's proximity.

She clenched her jaw , glancing at Toni who was just watching in the corner before she looked into Scott's eyes and easily said "Eat shit."

"Karlie what the fu-"

"QUIET" He shouted to Toni. She instantly shut her mouth. Thinking why on earth Karlie was thinking she could talk like that. What the hell is wrong with her?

Scott started to circle around karlie , observing her , "See I knew i picked a good one. You're very stubborn , level headed and seem to not be accustomed to fear. Isn't that right Karlie? I knew there was a reason to like you." He wiggled his finger at her. She followed his movement's watching him and not seeming like she gave a shit of what came from his mouth. His tone was bubbly and friendly but Karlie knew better. He's manipulative and unpredictable. He will say and seem like he means one thing when he really means the complete opposite and she's learned that the hard way.

"You have a nice head on your shoulders. But not so much a brain. Because ," he stopped circling around her and stopped right in front of her. Taking a step closer to her. Invading her personal space completely.

"You must be pretty fucking stupid to think that i have to ask you for permission to see her." He spits in her face.

"I'm laughing." He mocks pointing to his blank facial expression. He then turns around and looks at Toni.

"Where is she?"

Toni stays quiet sucking in her lips.

"Scott don't hurt her." Karlie said when he took large steps towards her.

All their heads turned when they heard a door open and the faint voice say "....Karlie?"


Scott grabs Toni quickly making her squeal and covered her mouth. As he looked at karlie. "Don't say a word... Go." He whispered.

Karlie nodded and walked away meeting Taylor up front.

"Hey you , what are you doing up? I thought you were sleeping?"

"Oh thank gosh." Taylor said in relief when seeing her , she walks to her tucking her head underneath karlie's chin. Hugging her tightly. Karlie didn't even need to say anymore. She knew Taylor probably thought she left.

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