Chapter 4: Not Asking You.

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"So , why do you live here? Are you friends with the owner?" Taylor says walking around the small area her arms crossed over her chest. A nice bandaid was wrapped around her palm and the pain was only a small ache.
Karlie couldn't believe Taylor was this oblivious. But maybe it's better that she is.

"For the last time I will not answer any of your questions." Karlie says very firmly a tone of domination taking over. Taylor looks at her and scoffs , stopping her movements.

"You're so strange." Taylor says analyzing Karlie.

"I'm a private person." Karlie says playing with the throw pillow on her couch. Taylor takes a seat beside her. As soon as the couch dips with Taylor's weight Karlie gets up.

"Okay." Taylor mumbles from the sudden movement.

"Sorry about the shirt." Taylor says. Seeing the bloody rag on the counter still. She walks over and places it in the small trash by Karlie's small fridge. "Actually..." She wonders off picking it back up , she will just take it with her and throw it away outside more properly.

"Don't worry about the shirt." Karlie says.

Taylor looks up and see's Karlie standing by the door. She was guessing this was her cue to leave. She wasn't supposed to be here in the first place , and she definitely got that vibe from Karlie.

"I should go." Taylor says walking over to the door she passes Karlie when she reaches for the door knob.

"Here give me the damn shirt. Don't walk out with a bloody rag with you. Bad business." Karlie says holding her hand out.

Taylor hesitantly looks at the out stretched hand. "That's disgusting. Its fine I'll take it."

"Give me the shirt." Karlie demanded. Taylor made a disgusting face and placed the bloody ripped up piece of shirt in Karlie's hand. Karlie gripped it tightly without a care in the world and then opened the front door. "If that was your blood on that rag I wouldn't have touched it." Taylor says walking out.

"I wouldn't have let you anyways." Karlie says and then shuts the door immediately after Taylor steps out.

As soon as Karlie steps away from the door , there's a soft knock. She rolls her eyes before opening it.

"Um , can you show me my way back around , its dark and I don't have my phone." Taylor mumbles , feeling like a shy small child.

"Where's your phone?" Karlie asked.

"I don't have cellphone service , and so I just left the phone at my home."

Karlie sighed running a hand through her hair she holds up a finger signalling Taylor to wait a minute.

Coming back out Karlie has thrown a jacket over her shirt ,put shoes on and has her sunglasses on as well.

"Its dark out you really don't need those." Taylor points.

"Yeah I do." Karlie bluntly speaks. Shutting the door behind her. She leads the way out front with Taylor following.

"You have nice eyes , I really don't think you do." She disagreed.

"Nothing about these eyes or anything about me is nice. Drop it."

"But look what you're doing now, you're walking me out front. I think that's nice." Taylor says and shoved her hands in her pant pockets.

"You have a completely different attitude now , then you do inside the bar." Karlie says stopping at the front.

Taylor nods "Yeah , its because I have to some what act intimidating in there."

Karlie snorted, smiling a bit. The first time Taylor had ever seen her truly smile , even if Karlie was only doing it to mock Taylor's statement.

"Even in the bar you're not intimidating you just seem not... like this." She threw her hands up motioning to Taylor. "I seem more confident?"

Karlie glanced at Taylor but didn't say anything.

"No yeah but you're right , how I am in the bar is completely different from how I actually am. But the bar has toughen me up the past 3 months. I really hate drunk people and alcohol more now then I did before I started working." Taylor rambled on. Something she often did when she was in an awkward situation and didn't know what else to say or when she was nervous.

"I think you're good here right?"

Taylor looked over down the road and darken alleyways. She was used to going down these dark areas at night but she always had the security of her phone with her. And when anyone strange approached her she'd pretend to be talking to someone and occasionally pretend it was an uncle who happened to be a cop. But now that she had no phone she wasn't going to pretend that she was okay with walking home alone.

"If I was lying I'd say 'sure yeah totally fine.' But n-"

"You don't have to explain yourself. Simple 'no' is fine." Karlie interrupts , walking ahead of Taylor so that way she would follow. Taylor gets a shy smile on her face , looking over to the tall girl crossing the street as if she wasn't scared of anything. She quickly follows after Karlie , walking in the alleyway feeling completely secured with Karlie there. She gave Taylor a sense of security. For some reason Taylor felt like Karlie wouldn't let anything bad happen to her , which isn't the first vibe you would get off of someone like Karlie. But Taylor did. And she accepted it.

Karlie stopped when they reached Taylor's block in silence. She didn't see the point in walking her to her door.

"This is good." Karlie says.

"Thanks for coming, you didn't really have to." Taylor says.

"I don't have all night." Karlie says not that she was impatient , she's going to wait until Taylor gets inside anyways , she just didn't want Taylor to think that. And she definitely didn't want to have a conversation right now over this small thing.

Taylor nodded understanding , she lightly waved and started her way. But when an idea popped up in her head she turned around. "I'm going to take you out for coffee tomorrow. I'm off. I'll meet you here in the morning around 9:30." She says , her tone completely filled with confidence.

Karlie stared off at her about to speak when Taylor talked again.

"I wasn't asking you."

She then turns back around and heads home. Karlie Still standing there shaking her head. Her whole 'Don't ask me questions because I won't answer them' parade completely came and bit her in the ass.

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