Chapter 5: I don't discriminate

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Taylor was even surprised by her own sudden burst of confidence last night. Now as she stands waiting for Karlie to come , she couldn't figure out how that suddenly happened or why did she invite her for coffee anyways. Because you want to get to know her better.

Taylor kicked a rock with her heel waiting by a street light pole at the end of her street. This morning she woke up early and paid her phone bill so as she checked the time on that she saw that it was 9:46 and Karlie was 16 minutes late.

You didn't even ask her.. maybe she was busy. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Taylor shook her head feeling completely embarrassed. Her cheeks flushed as she thought back to last night. Making a complete fool of herself. She slipped her phone in her purse and started walking back in the direction of her place.

"Couldn't wait another 20 seconds?"

A voice said alot closer then she thought the person would be. Seeing karlie right behind her , Her green eyes were bright and full of life even if physically and emotionally Karlie was not.

"I thought you weren't coming..." Taylor mumbled walking back over to her.

"You're right I wasn't."

"Cause that makes me feel better." Taylor says shaking her head and looking at the ground for a second. Karlie walks beside her. Dress in workout clothes a grey tank top and spandex pants a sweater wrapped around her waist. "Did you get back from the gym or something?"

Taylor caught herself and closed her mouth. She just asked a question. The whole thing of not being able to ask her questions was a bit ridiculous in the first place but she went along with it.

"Yes I did." Karlie says removing her sunglasses from her face.

Taylor and Karlie briefly made small talk while crossing the roads to get to a small little coffee shop. Karlie had no idea why she came and Taylor has no idea why she brought up the idea in the first place. But as they both sat down at a table Taylor inhaled a deep breath. Loving the smell of freshly brewed coffee it reminded her of how it used to be back home , when her life was good. Now it hurt her to even fantasize about it.

Karlie removed her sunglasses and set them aside , glancing out the window they were sitting by she squinted as the sun was bright making it hard to see.

"You have really pretty eyes." Taylor tells her looking down at her coffee that had just been set down in front of her. "Let me guess you don't accept compliments either." It was more of a statement and observation rather then a question. Taylor could tell Karlie wasn't very social , or maybe she was and just had no interest in communicating with Taylor.

"How's your hand?" Karlie asked seeing the cut covered in not only the bandaid she had given her yesterday but two more that had tiny giraffe heads scattered about it and the other with small animal paw prints. Karlie raised her eye brows at the very childish band aids. Taylor dropped her hurt hand in her lap. Hiding it out of view she didn't want anyone to see her bandaids. But when she looked up at Karlie she could tell that she already had.

"Its better thanks for asking."


"Hey , you're that cute bartender who turned me down the other night." A worker came over pointing at Taylor with a smile. Taylor looked up and was slightly confused this girl didn't look familiar. Karlie looked at the girl and very clearly remembered her. The girl who took the drink that Taylor had poured for her.

"Sorry , I don't exactly keep track with the people I serve." Taylor says but nonetheless shakes hands with the worker. Who's name tag read the name of Danni.

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