Chapter 9: Shower Encounter

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Taylor rubbed the conditioner in her hair enjoying the smell of the very expensive product. One that she could never afford. She didn't usually ever buy brand names because she was always tight on money. But walking into Karlie's glass shower she had body washes and hair soaps that Taylor had seen at stores she wished she could go into but never did due to not being able to buy anything in them. Running her fingers through her hair. She heard a knock on the door followed by Karlie's voice.

"I need to pee can you hurry up!"

"Can you gi-"

"No! I can't." Karlie pushes the door open and Taylor screams pushing herself in the corner of the shower covering herself and facing the wall.

"Calm down I'm not looking. Even if I did I can't see anything , Its all blurry." Karlie mumbled feeling relief as she finally gets onto the toilet.

"How did you get in here!?"

"It's my bathroom. I can't see you , relax."

"Are you sure? Can you check?" Taylor says over the water. "I mean don't check!" Taylor yells correcting herself feeling her cheeks turn red this whole interaction felt awkward. She slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand.

Karlie was already looking. Taylor's figure was blurry as she already knew it would be.

"Are you done?" Taylor asked seeing Karlie's figure through the glass , she was also blurry.

Karlie walked out quietly. Shutting the door after her , Taylor let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Now she was going to spend extra time in here until she felt comfortable again to face her.


Karlie was standing on a stepping ladder with a paint brush in her hand painting one side of the wall of her living room , Taylor was engulfed with a strong paint oder as soon as she walked out of the bathroom. She scrunched up her nose and went to sit down on the couch that had been pushed to the side.

"Thats a pretty color what is it like an off grey white?"

Karlie kept flicking the brush against the wall as she answered briefly "Savory Cream."

Taylor bit her lip and nodded her head. She didn't know of anything else to say so she decided to stay quiet. She would offer Karlie help but getting the looks of it , she highly doubted Karlie wanted her help. She seemed like the type of person who just wanted to get things done , and if she did want it done right she'd just prefer doing it herself. Taylor didn't want to take a chance of messing it up. So she stayed sitting on the couch glancing up and Karlie from time to time all while she started playing candy crush on her cellphone.

Karlie got off the ladder and dipped the brush back in the paint now doing the middle part of the wall. She wasn't originally planning on painting tonight , But she was in the mood for it.

Her thumb from her cut was beginning to throb halfway through the 2nd wall , she couldn't hold the brush any longer and the paint bucket at the same time so she just set them down and took a breather. Turning around noticing how quiet it had been she sees Taylor had passed out sometime during it all. 

Wiping sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand she takes a step back to get a good view of her work so far. She couldn't wait until this entire house is fixed up.  She was tired of walking in everyday and seeing how boring her place is. She wanted to upgrade it all. With the money she has been receiving and saving , Karlie has managed to accumulate enough to remodel everything herself.

She washed up her hands in the kitchen sink and lightly tapped Taylor's shoulder with her pointer finger. She didn't want to touch her anymore then that. But then realising it wasn't enough force to wake her up , She flattened her hand against Taylor's back and was going to rub her to shake her up but then went against it as soon as her hand was pressed flat against her clothed back. She pulled her hand away so fast. As fast as you would if you had placed your hand on a burning stove top.

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