Chapter 25: Date?

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Taylor picks up her buzzing phone surprised to see Karlie's name pop up on her screen. She smiled waiting a bit so it didn't seem like she was practically waiting for the unknown call.

"Karlie?" She greeted bringing the phone to her ear. Karlie's end seemed quiet as Karlie's voice rang through.

"I know I know , this probably seems strange because I never call you."

Taylor agreed to that , "True so it must be something important?"

"No not exactly... We we're just wondering if you wanted to come have dinner with us. It was Kimberly's idea..." Karlie's voice seemed to trail off for a moment.

"Dinner huh?... Anything in particular I should wear?"

Karlie grinned holding her chin in her hand as she stared out her window drinking a coffee. "Not too fancy but also not too casual." Calling Taylor and hearing her over the phone seemed so much more natural then what she'd thought. She hears Taylor giggle and it makes her smile wider for an unknown reason.

"Because that helps so much."

Karlie chuckled , "You'll figure it out."

"I think this may have been the longest we've gone without seeing each other."

"Has it been 2 days already?" Karlie gasped in exaggeration. Taylor laughed loudly. "So i guess I'm the only one that misses being together? Like in the same room?"

Karlie shrugged forgetting Taylor couldn't see so she only hummed in response. She wasn't going to let herself admit to that so quickly. She's still her hard headed self. Even though with each possible second that passes with Taylor or talking to her. She can feel herself crumbling , her walls breaking and actually wanting to be so much closer to her.


Taylor anxiously paced her kitchen wiping down the counters. Making sure her home was nice and clean. She was trying very hard not to get dirty. After taking much longer then usual to get dressed. She needed to look extra fixed up before Kimberly and Karlie showed up. She was dressed in a high waisted skirt and fitting black long sleeve crop top and heels. She knew it was cold outside but it wasn't like they'd be eating outside. She'd have to bare the cold walking from the truck to the door of the restaurant. What if we walk there?

She quickly ran to her room to rummage through drawers to find some leggings to wear underneath her skirt. But to her luck as soon as she was slipping them on they began to knock on her door. She cursed to herself now having to throw back on her shoes in a hurry and rushing to her dresser to pick a fragrance to wear. Her immediate thought being which one will Karlie enjoy more?

She squealed when the knocking turned into banging. She quickly picked a fruity one that she liked and ran to the door , grabbing her purse and flinging it over her shoulder on the way.

"I'm sorry! Last minute needed to put on leggings..." She said opening the door. Within a few seconds of apologizing her voice quiets , her eyes roaming down Karlie's body. She wasn't wearing anything overly formal but something about it definitely left a good impression. So much that Taylor found herself visually gawking.

"You look nice." Kimberly said to her making Taylor break her stare on her sister. Taylor cleared her throat hoping Karlie didn't notice her stare. "Oh thank you um.. Karlie you look... Wow..." There was no hiding it that she was very much loving what karlie was wearing. She'd never seen her in a dress before. Her dress was almost nude color , tight fitting that Taylor could see the slightly outline of her abs and showing off every curve very easily even while she was wearing a coat over it. Her heels making her twice as tall. She was what every man on the earth would want but would have no chance to have.

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