Charger 26: What's that?

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A/N: The photo i attached to this chapter is similar to what Taylor wore out to dinner in the previous chapter.

Karlie looked behind her to make sure Taylor was still sleeping. It was now the next morning and she still had her dress on after sleeping in it. She had no intentions of leaving the room to go to the bathroom in case of seeing her naked sister with a naked guy asleep on the couch. Remind me to slap her when she wakes up. She reminds herself.

Karlie was Standing facing a corner she had to take this dress off immediately. She tried reaching for the top zipper and there was no way of getting it completely unzipped without her ripping it. Fuck.

She had no other choice.

She walked over to Taylor and slightly shook her until she awoke. "Yeah?" She said sleepily sitting up , her hair a jumbled mess.

"Do you think you could undo this zipper? I fell asleep in it." She said turning around. She didn't hear anything from Taylor , she just felt a slight tug at the zipper and the noise of the zipper going down.

"All the way? Or stop at the middle?" Taylor asked hesitantly still trying to recover from her sleep.

"Got ahead and do it all the way or else i can't get out of it." Karlie said anxiously. Taylor nodded , quickly pulling it down and rolling back in the bed. Karlie didn't waist anytime in pulling her arms from the straps needing room to breathe , she spent way too much time in it.

"I'm sorry but i need this off now." She apologized holding it against her chest so it wouldn't slide down.

Taylor swallowed , "...Mhm.."

Karlie walked to her dresser and grabbed a pair of sweats and a t shirt. She wasn't planning on going anywhere for the day.

"I would change in the bathroom but-"

"No its okay. Its your room." Taylor interrupted.

Taylor looked over at karlie , only seeing her back. Karlie turned her head to the side before she let go of the dress and it dropped to her waist it being too tight to even fall down to the floor fully. Taylor's heart began to beat rapidly while she crossed her legs. She didn't want to get caught staring but she couldn't look away if she wanted to. Its way to early for this she said to herself.

Karlie's back muscle's contract when she lifted her shirt over her head. Taylor knew she had abs but she also had muscles in her back and everywhere else a muscle could form. Karlie was fit and that only made Taylor more attracted to her.

Karlie felt Taylor's eyes on her. As she pulled the dress down all the way so she could put on her sweats she looked down and bit her lip awkwardly at the undergarments she was wearing. She knew she made a good choice but she also knew Taylor was watching and she's never felt so stiff in front of another girl before. She easily slipped on the pants and turned around , seeing Taylor looking at her with her head propped up on a pillow as if she was getting ready to watch a movie. It definitely didn't bother Karlie. After making the realisation of her true feelings last night it just couldn't bother her.

Karlie picked up the thin dress and put it away , Taylor's eyes still following after her. There heads and attention got pulled back when they heard the front door get slammed shut.

Karlie looked at Taylor before she walked out the room. Her sister sitting on the couch drinking a glass of water.

"Kimberly what the hell do you think you're doing? That's not happening again. I was a little tipsy so i let it slide but now I may have to burn my couch." Karlie started out serious and getting straight to the point but then towards the end gave a sheepish smile.

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