Chapter 24: Its More

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Taylor carefully reads the thermometer she used to check Karlie's temperature.

No fever.

"You have no fever still so that's good. Maybe you won't even get one." Taylor said still observing carefully
as if it would automatically change on its own.

Kimberly walked through the door with a bowl of freshly cooked soup. Karlie sat up and Taylor took the bowl from Kimberly with a small smile before sitting down on the edge side of the bed , right next to karlie.

"Let me see it." Karlie says reaching for it. Taylor gladly pulls it away and out of reach from her.

"Taylor you're not going to feed me." Karlie scoffed reaching for it again.

"But you're sick."

"That doesn't make me disabled." She spoke with furrowed eyes.

"Fine." Taylor said passing her the hot bowl and getting off the mattress to sit on the chair a couple feet away from the bed.

"Karlie she's just trying to help." Kimberly consoled with folded arms as she leaned against the door. Karlie's face soften when seeing Taylor's facial expression. As if she had done something completely wrong.

"I can feed myself..." Karlie repeated mostly to herself.

"Taylor you wanna help me out with something?" Kimberly suddenly asked over her shoulder as she was half way out the room. Taylor nodded and followed Kimberly out.

Karlie sighed stirring the spoon around in her soup. She didn't mean to upset Taylor.

Kimberly dumped the bags full of clothes on the couch. "I need help on coming up with an outfit for a job. Now that I'm basically staying here i need to work." She looked at what Taylor was wearing , "You look like you know how to dress well."

Taylor smiled , she hadn't received a proper compliment in ages it felt like. It wasn't exactly a straight forward compliment but it was something.

"I'd love to help."

Taylor peaked her head into the room. Karlie was fast asleep tangled up in blankets. She quietly walked in and looked behind her briefly seeing no signs of Kimberly she shut the door quietly behind her.

Karlie hadn't even touched her soup when Taylor looked inside the bowl. It was still filled , not touched. The water was gone though. At least she's drinking water. I wish she'd eat though.

Taylor hesitantly climbed onto the bed next to her. Using her hands as a pillow she stared at Karlie. Looking at every detail on her face. Studying every crease , memorizing it all. Watching Karlie sleep was something she loved and she'd continue to do it every day if she could. She carefully dragged her finger against her jaw. Then dragging it down Karlie's nose she smiled a closed lipped smile when Karlie scrunched up her nose. She was still sleeping. A faint snore coming from her lips , she chuckled and leaned forward and pressed a lingering kiss to her cheek. "Hope you feel better soon Kar." She whispered against her skin. Karlie received goosebumps , that being her wake up call she fluttered her eyes open.

Whenever Karlie just wakes up her eyes are always a brighter green the. Usual. Taylor was so in love with her eyes. She had a hard time not staring at them.

"You're soups cold." Taylor said , her voice still a low soft whisper. Karlie nodded her head against the pillow her eyes still fighting to stay open.

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