Chapter 18: Party

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A/N: The photo I attached is what Karlie wore to the party.

Taylor had woken up nearly 10 minutes go. She was now quietly laying there watching Karlie sleep. She must have fallen asleep last night , because she was still in the sitting position. Her head was tilted to the side and soft slow breathes were heard. She didn't look very comfortable but Taylor couldn't bring herself to wake her up and have her go to the room. She was being stubborn and wanted to just look at Karlie.

She giggled when Karlie started to mumble incoherent things. Which only made her even more intrigued by the tall girl.

She eventually sat up and started shaking Karlie's shoulder to wake her. "Karlie...Karlie." She said while shaking her from her slumber. Taylor smiled when realising Karlie wasn't going to wake up. She probably stayed up late. She swiped her hair away from her face and dragged her pointer finger down from Karlie's nose to the bottom of her jaw.

"You're so pretty..." She said in a quiet administration way.

"...Thanks." Karlie mumbled.

Taylor's eyes got wide as she stopped everything she was doing and froze. Heat running to her cheeks. She's sure they were a bright red.

Karlie opened up her eyes with a sleepy smile.

Taylor was still in shock and not moving.

"Jeez relax." Karlie says and sits up correctly she puts her hand on her neck stretching it a bit. The way she was sleeping made it a bit stiff and it was slightly aching.

"Uh - y-you - um weren't.... good morning." Taylor stuttered moving off the couch.

Karlie chuckled and stood up to stretch the rest of her limbs.

"You're oddly weird in the morning." Karlie says with a yawn. Taylor awkwardly sits back down fiddling with her fingers.

"My neck is hurting." She scoffed continuing to massage the back of her neck with her hand. Until her stomach grumbles letting her know that she is in fact hungry. "You want to get breakfast?" She asked Taylor.

"You weren't supposed to hear that." Taylor says hiding her face behind her hands. Reflecting on when she called Karlie pretty.

"Well you kind of woke me up when you touched me." She explained.

"Sorry." Taylor said quietly full of embarrassment. Karlie just shrugged it off though. She wasn't in the mood to go into a deeper conversation about it. All she really wanted was food.

"So is that a yes to breakfast? Because I can literally eat a pig right now which is weird because I don't eat pork. So can we go?" Karlie says pointing to the door.

"Yeah okay. Can you wait like 5 minutes so I can go clean myself up a little?" Taylor hops off the couch and heads to the bathroom.

"Hurry up! 5 fucking minutes. That's it." Karlie says impatiently throwing herself back on the couch.


Taylor enjoyed having her breakfast with Karlie. Karlie drove them to a little diner that was further away then what Taylor expected. She loved how different the scenery was when further away from where they currently lived. Everything was so much more clean and green , Taylor could even see the ocean from the window they were eating by. People walking about and laughing, Children playing and eating ice cream , men walking their dogs and groups of people jogging around. The atmosphere was all very different from what Taylor has seen so far of New York.

Karlie noticed Taylor staring out the window and smiling. She followed the shorter girls gaze which was of a mom no older then 23 maybe , holding her new born baby while sitting on a park bench. She looked away and looked back at Taylor , who for some reason wouldn't stop staring.

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