Chapter 20: Birthday Wishes

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The more I looked at her the more I fell for her. I didn't mind the fall. I knew she'd always catch me. I cupped her beautiful face in my hands. "Promise you'll come back. And that you won't forget me." Her vibrant green eyes made my own dilate whenever she'd look into them. Her hands felt up to my waist pulling me to her. It always surprised me that no matter how strong and rough she was to other people , how dark she showed herself. Verbally or Physically , she was always so gentle with me. Always.

"That's ridiculous. I could never forget about you. I love you. You're all Ill think about..."

Her words made my heart beat quicken. Why was she leaving me?

"Don't go Karlie. Stay with me." I begged her , fresh tears starting to fall down my cheeks. I embraced her tightly. Wishing she wasn't leaving me.

"I can't stay."

"Why?" I choked looking up at her. Her eyes were slightly turning red. She wanted to cry too. But she was too stubborn and held it all in. She looked at every inch of my face before she leaned down to kiss me. I wanted to be so much closer to her. It was impossible for me to be closer then I already was. My entire body was flushed against hers. But it still wasn't enough. The second her lips left mine I cried some more.

"Tell me please." I gripped her shirt in my hands asking her so desperately.

"I love you Taylor. That's all you need to know. I love you. I love you."

She started to push me away.

"Karlie no. Please! Don't leave me. You're all I have." I cried.

"You have Blake and Toni. I'm not the only person you have... I'm leaving because you're all that I have but you're choosing them."

Just like that , my entire world shifted What was happening? Who are Blake and Toni? I fell to my knees and cried into my hands. Why was I losing the one person I have ever cared for? The love of my life. I love her. I'd kill for her , I'd die for her. Why is she doing this?

But as fast as it all happened I woke up.

"KARLIE!" Taylor gasped for air. Immediately covering her mouth with both hands when realising the name that fell from her mouth. I remember the dream.

The past couple dreams she's had , after everytime she'd wake she'd only remember bits and pieces. But she remembers this entire one.

The sun was already up.

"I'm right here."

Taylor's eyes popped out of her head when hearing that voice , she sat up so fast Karlie thought she'd have whiplash.


She was sitting in a chair right at the foot of Taylor's bed. Eating out of a bag of chips. "You left your door unlocked , so I figured I'd teach you a lesson and scare you when you woke up. But ," she sighs getting up off the chair , "It seems like you did that all by yourself."

Taylor covered her face with her hands and sat up on the bed. This was embarrassing. "When am I never not embarrassing myself in front of you?"

Karlie sat on the bed facing her. "I'm more then sure I've embarrassed myself a few times in front of you."

"Well if you have I clearly haven't noticed." Taylor says staring off to the side. Her eyes wide and staring at the floor.

"What was your dream about?"

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