Chapter 14: Perfect Storm

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Taylor softly petted a particularly small kitten in the mix of many other kittens. She was pushed off to the side by the larger ones.

"You're lonely too aren't you? I know how that feels." Taylor cooes scratching the small cats head. The cat meows right afterwards as if replying to what she had said. Taylor beams down and picks up the small cat. Holding it in front of her face she says , "I think we'll be great pals buddy."

She brings the cat close to her chest and walks over to pay for her. It wasn't something she was planning on doing but after seeing the small feline it was absolutely love at first sight. Maybe not for the cat but to Taylor she just had to have her.

Taylor walked with the cat tucked between her and her sweater as it had started pouring rain halfway home. The little cat was shivering and meowing and Taylor kept apologizing to it as she ran as fast as she could. The winter air mixed with rain made it unbearable to stand as it was nearly below freezing. "Shit! I am so sorry! This wasn't how your first day with me was supposed to go I don't blame you for hating me after th-"


She turned her head in the direction of hearing her name being called over the rain. As thunder was starting to sound off in the sky. She caught glimpse of Karlie walking out of the bar. She quickly ran over to her.

"What the hell are you doing out like this you're going to get sick!" Karlie scolded also getting drenched herself. The soft meow cries is what brought her attention to the white ball of fluff tucked between the inside of Taylor's jacket.

"You're such an idiot." She groaned and pulled Taylor by her arm towards the gate to her own house.

Getting inside Karlie's house she takes the cat from Taylor's hand and heads to the bathroom.

"Why do you have this with you anyways?!"

Taylor removes her soaked jacket leaving her in her tank top and still soaked shorts.

"I felt bad for it. I know what it's like to be excluded from the cool people."

"Its a fuckin cat , get over it."

Taylor walked into the bathroom and Karlie had the kitten wrapped in a towel and was carefully trying to dry it off.

"Its not just a cat Karlie. Its a live living animal."

Karlie bends down to the cabinet below the sink and grabs a blow dryer. She sets it on low and lightly wiggles it in front of the cat.

"She stopped shivering... But I'm beginning to." Taylor's lips began to quiver. Karlie looked at Taylor through the mirror. Her nose and cheeks were red and she was completely drenched.

"Okay your cat is fine." Karlie says and turns off the blow dryer , she hands Taylor the now dry cat and heads to her room.

After changing herself , Karlie walks back out with a pair of dry clothes in her hand. Taylor sees and declines. "No thanks I should be getting home anyways."

"No you're not its raining hard outside and i just took the time to dry your cat." Karlie explains holding the clothes out to her. Taylor gives a nod of the head and grabs the clothes from Karlie's hand.

"I feel like this is repetitive. You handing me clothes." Taylor says.

"That's because it is , now hurry up you're getting my floor wet." She rushes , Taylor looks at the puddle of water where she had been standing. She bites her cheek and then embarrassingly walks to the bathroom.


"So whats her name?" Karlie asked looking at the cat that was laying on her chest. Taylor folded up her clothes and set them in a bag Karlie left for her outside the door hanging onto the knob.

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