Charted 17: If I Could Fly

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A/N: Since its Thanksgiving an all here's an update. I was gonna wait but I'm bored so here you go.

Happy Thanksgiving to anyone that celebrates it! Gobble Gobble.


Karlie barley even blinks as she leans against the truck hood , her arms crossed while she watches Taylor walk inside a donut shop they had just passed by. She refused to go into it for reasons Karlie didn't explain to Taylor any further then "I don't want to."

I'd eat everything in that shop. Can't do that.

Taylor walks back out no more then 7 minutes later with a brown bag in her hand and a mouth full.

"Oh my god , That shop is like the perfect place to be when you're on your period.... Or the worst place to be but , They have like any sweet you could possibly want."

"My worst nightmare." Karlie mumbled getting back into the truck.

"I got you something. You can pick whatever is in the bag , I just spent like 20 dollars. That place is so expensive." Taylor says putting a bite size round powdered donut in her mouth before shutting the door.

"No thanks." Karlie rejected as they pull out of the parking lot. Taylor looks at her and shrugs , taking the bag in her lap she goes through it searching for something.

"Look I have a cookie. Don't you like cookies? Everyone likes cookies." Taylor says and pulls the freshly backed chewy cookie apart.

"Stop. I'm driving." Karlie says making a left turn.

"Fine then I'll ea-"

"Don't eat it."

Taylor smirks and puts the cookie back into the bag and closes it up. The ride back to Karlie's is somewhat quiet and Taylor couldn't resist the urge to ask her a question.

"I thought you weren't aloud to get close to me?"

"...I'm not."

"You kissed me. Twice." Taylor said holding up two fingers.

"And I'll kiss you a third if I feel like it. What's the problem?" Karlie says staring out at the road.

"Its just that...well... you've been very persistent of saying the complete opposite." Taylor says.

"I've changed my mind."

"You can do that? But you said that your fam-"


Taylor instantly shut her mouth.

"You're just confusing... It doesn't make sense to me..."

"Don't worry about it. Its my problem not yours." Karlie says.

"But I don't want to be the reason for you getting hurt. I don't want that."

"Taylor , seriously don't worry about it." As long as your dad doesn't kind out what happened.

"Okay." Taylor sighs and stares out the window. Karlie takes the key out of the ignition and unlocks the doors.

"Come inside." She says before she shuts the door. Taylor grabs her bag and gets off the truck following after her into her house.


"Favourite color?"

"I don't have one."

"Okay? Um.. dog person or cat person?" Taylor asked next.


"Favorite food?"

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