Chapter 11: Loose Lips

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"Oh no! That movie sucks. Come on Toni step up your hosting game. First the song and now you're poor at movie choices." Taylor was only joking but Toni took it out anyways. Taylor giggled and sipped her wine. She will hardly ever drink wine but Toni has managed to convince her to have some. She needed to relax anyways after what happened at Karlie's , Taylor really needed this hangout time. She was glad Toni invited her over after work.

"You wanna know what , how about you come and choose it , apparently my taste doesn't mix with yours." She turns around facing Taylor. Taylor shakes her head with a laugh and walks over to Toni and her DVD player.

"Back away.." She shoos her away with her hands. Toni gladly steps away but stands behind her instead. Observing her choices over Taylor's shoulder.

"Oh gosh The Boy Next-door seems very interesting. But not for tonight." Taylor says and sets it back on the stand.

"What?! Why not?! Do you not see who's on the cover?" She extends her hand out past Taylor's side pointing to the cover as Taylor sets it back down.

"Of course I do , I just don't feel like its appropriate." She says and her cheeks turn red. Toni places her hand on Taylor's hip.

"Fine go ahead choose something else." She says waiting patiently. Taylor couldn't entirely pay attention anymore. She was too focused on the warmth the hand on her hip was bringing. Toni only stepped closer when she realised Taylor wasn't giving her any signs that she didn't want to take this to maybe something more than friends. Taylor's breath in fact did hitch when she felt the entire front of Toni's body pressed to her back. And then Another hand was added to her other hip.

"Or we can skip the movie if you want , and just listen to the music. Have a chat?" Toni suggested. Taylor was now debating if maybe she should just nod and not say anything. Afraid her voice may give out signs of her pathetic way of coping with her being so close and touching her.

"Come on." She laughed and grabbed Taylors hand turning her around walking her back over to the couch. Taylor sighed and took a drink of her wine once sitting again.

Toni just kind of eyed Taylor , as she drank. Taylor tried to not make it noticeable of her confused and shy face. But Toni was making it completely obvious that she was just staring at her. Taylor made eye contact with her and they both smiled.

"Can I kiss you? Or is that too straight forward?" Toni asked out of the blew. She laughed right afterwards so Taylor didn't know if she was joking or not. The question did in fact throw her off though. She coughed on her wine as she was in the middle of slurping it.

"Sorry is this weird? Never mind forget it." She shys away shaking her head , Taylor saw her cheeks turn red. She was taking the offer into consideration , she liked Toni too.

But what if Karlie was right? What if she just wants me for the moment and then she's gone? Do I even I want her in that way?

"Ugh I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that." Toni covered her face with her hands. Feeling blood rush to her face , Taylor was taking too long to answer the question , she felt stupid.

Think fast.

"No no no. Its okay." Taylor placed her hand on Toni's wrist , "Actually I wouldn't mind honestly. The bluntness just caught me off guard for a second. I didn't really think you'd be into me like that." She says her own face flushing. Toni flattened her hands over her face looking at Taylor through the cracks of her own fingers.

Taylor giggled pushing her forehead against Toni's "I can see you." She peaked between her fingers.

Toni gave a small giggle and slipped her hands away from under Taylor's forehead , Taylor didn't move away she figured this was a good tactic to use for a kiss. Toni looked down at Taylor's lips before she looked at her blue eyes and then smiled. "That was cute. Good move." She applauded.

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