Chapter 10: I Don't Know What Happened.

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It didn't take Taylor long to walk from Karlie's to Toni's the only place she knew she could stay at. She wasn't about to break her own window , she only said that to be tough. She also didn't know if Toni would be up at this time. It was almost five in the morning by this point. The sun was just now starting to come up.  She didn't know what to do. She just knew going back to Karlie's wasn't an option. But I don't even know Toni. She thought.

Then she realized this entire thing was beyond ridiculous. Stopping in her tracks , she turned and looked behind her. Groaning loudly while tilting her head back  in annoyance she turned back around and walked back in the direction of Karlie's home. There was no way she could go to Toni's , that would be weird and strange and Karlie's talk about Toni about how she might actually be was starting to float around her in head.

Getting back to Karlie's she sees Karlie picking up garbage off the ground she glares as she walks right past her , "ass.." She mumbled under her breath. Karlie's head picked up and she saw Taylor walk back inside. Now following right after her.

"What do you think you're doing? Get out." Karlie points to the front door and Taylor sits and stares at her with her arms crossed. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head all while biting the inside of her cheek. She felt like she was the one being mean all of a sudden. She didn't like that.

"You pushed me. And then walked off. Not to mention what you said before hand. Get out." Karlie demanded. She was furious. Taylor hesitantly looked at the floor. Her fingers fiddling with her rings.

"I said, get the fuck out!" Karlie says once more this time grabbing Taylor roughly by her shirt and picking her up off the couch as if she weighed nothing. Taylor was completely took by surprise by the sudden actions. Gripping Karlie's wrists to have her let go.

"Karlie stop."

Karlie slammed her against the wall by the door keeping her in place so she could open it back up. Taylor felt her breath get caught in her throat ,

"You're hurting me." Taylor cried breathlessly,  as the impact winded her. She coughed and started wheezing , slapping Karlie's hand to grab her attention.

"Karlie! Let go!"

"Ka- I can't breathe.." She said breathlessly.


Karlie turned her head finally getting pulled out from wherever her head was. Her eyes immediately soften when she saw what she was doing. Processing everything that was happening. Her heart began to thump fast. She let go of Taylor so fast and took a step back from her. Keeping her head down , ashamed of how this could have happened. She lost it for a split second. Her anger got the best of her. Something , that used to get her in trouble all the time as a teen. It hasn't happened since then. Up until this point , and it made her confused as to why.

Taylor anxiously wiped her tears that happened to fall down silently. She rushed out of Karlie's house as karlie stayed frozen in place.

What happened?
I blacked out.
What did I do?

Karlie picked up her head shaking her thoughts off she rushed outside. She ran so fast and down to the end of sidewalk searching for the older girl that she had zipped right past her.

Taylor was sitting on Karlie's steps with her head in her hands.  Karlie turned around and saw her. She walked over and sat down beside her. Taylor didn't look up.

"Let me see..." Karlie says afraid that she left some type of mark on Taylor's collarbones from her hand gripping her shirt from around the neck, her voice was the softest it had ever been. The softest Taylor has ever heard it. It didn't sound like its usually 'don't fuck with me' tone.

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