Chapter 3: The place behind the Bar.

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Taylor was out back of the bar having lunch, eating a sandwich she had made while she read a book. Her lunch breaks where usually 20 minutes long and she used up every minute to its finest. Whether it be to eat and read for fun or to eat and study for her classes that she's taking online for a degree. Half way through her sandwich she was in desperate need for some water but managed without it. Finished with that she threw her trash away and when reaching for the door it opens with Karlie being on the other side of it.

"What are you doing? You cant be back here." Taylor says with wide eyes. Not expecting to see her.

Karlie doesn't say much she just opens the door wider for her.

"I swear you're gonna get me in trouble." Taylor says pushing at Karlie's shoulders to get her out. Before she got yelled out by a boss she has yet to meet or even know the name of.

The small shove didn't last long as Karlie instantly gripped Taylor's wrists taking her hands off of her. Making Taylor freeze.

She had crossed a line.

"Don't touch me." Karlie demands her voice cold.

"I - I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Taylor rushes past Karlie. She hated the feeling of doing something wrong. The only way to cope with that was to get away from the situation as fast as possible.

Karlie walked out the back where Taylor had came from. She left her book on the side walk. Karlie picks it up and scans the cover.

Of course she's into the romance novels.

She takes the book back inside. Taylor's back to her job as usual. She slides the book across the counter and leaves , making her way to the back door again.

Taylor sees the book and looks around. She sees the back of Karlie's leather jacket go out the back door. She looks around and see's the place is pretty empty so she walks over to where Karlie went , curious to see what she was up to.

Karlie removed her jacket once outside. Turning around when the door opened up once more.

"What do you want?" Karlie asked.

"What are you doing back here?" Taylor asked keeping the door open just in case there was someone asking for her.

"Questions." Karlie warned. Taylor shook her head. Of course Karlie wasn't going to answer her question. "Sorry..." Taylor said. "Um.. Never mind then." Taylor says shying away and heading back inside.

"No wait. Hold on. I'm just not used to someone asking me things that shouldn't concern them." Karlie says now at the door.

"Ok well I just won't ask you anything. Its cool." Taylor says walking back to her job.


Karlie breathed heavily hitting the punching bag with lots of force and strength. Her arms were aching but she continued to hit it to get her mind focused on other things. Naturally she just always seemed to have alot on her mind. Working out always seemed to help with that.

"Hey! Stopped by your place today." Stephan walks in with a towel around his neck. Karlie looks over at him. She grabs her water bottle and then wipes sweat off her abdomen before answering him.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah , Taylor's great. How'd you find her?"

"I'm supposed to be keeping an eye on her. Orders from her father." Karlie says stretching her legs.

"Um... That's some creepy shit. But she's extremely nice. Alot of douche bags flirting with her why your bar out of all places?" He questioned.

"Look Stephan I didn't write the fucking rules. All I know is that her father works for some top secret shit and Taylor had moved out and left because of it and came here and he hired me to watch after her." Karlie through her towel to the floor getting ready to leave.

"All for money right?"

Karlie turned around.
"Stay out of my business Stephan."


Karlie walked into the bar , the doors were locked because it was now late so she went though the back. Not expecting Taylor to still be here. She saw her leaned against the sink.

Feeling her presence Taylor turned out not expecting anyone , a small panic forced it's way through her body.

"Shit! You scared me. What are you doing here?!" She yells keeping her cut hand in the sink. Letting the water wash away the blood that continued to flow.

Karlie looked at her confused wondering the same thing. She walked over to her and saw the broken glass on the counter and small drops of blood scattered about it , and in the sink. Not only that but Taylor's cut palm.

"How'd you get in here?" Taylor asked placing her bleeding hand against her clothed chest looking for some type of rag.

"You should really stop asking the wrong questions." Karlie says moving some bottles around looking for the same thing Taylor was.

Taylor let out a small hiss from the pain the cold air was causing.

"How the fuck do we not have any usable rags in here?!" Karlie looked at her shirt. Gripping the ends of it she ripped the bottom half and grabbed Taylor's arm putting pressure to the large and deep cut. "You ripped your shirt." Stating the obvious Taylor looked at Karlie's mid drift that was now showing.

"So observant." Karlie rolled her eyes. Stepping away from Taylor. She figured she shouldn't get too close.

"You should probably go get that checked."

"No , I'm.. I'm not very good with doctors. I took out the glass myself I'll just let it heal up." Taylor takes the rag off only for it to continue to bleed.

Karlie massaged her temples the whole situation was putting stress on her for an unknown reason. "Let me look at it."

Taylor nodded , Karlie examined the gash. And checked it for anymore pieces of glass. "Fine , but you at least need to let me clean it."


Karlie grabs her wrists and leads her outside the backdoor.

"Um where are we going?"

"Wow you really don't get the whole 'I'm not answering your questions' thing do you?" Karlie stops at the very back of the bar's building where a separate small shack is.

"What's thi- never mind don't answer that." Taylor looks down.

"Wasn't planning on it."
She opens up the door and inside is just enough space for a person like Karlie to be living in. A couch was the first thing you'd see with a small TV on a table and a lamp. To the left was two doors. Being Karlie's bedroom and a bathroom. Right behind the couch which was sat in the middle was a small fridge and a microwave sat on the counter by the sink that happened to be the only counter and a small plug in stove top. Everything was clean but extremely outdated. The place was extremely small.

"Sit down I'll be right back." Karlie says opening up a door and then closing it right after.

Taylor had no idea Karlie was living just behind the bar. Looking around with just her eyes wondering about. She'd never seen a place so small. But getting the looks of it she assumed Karlie had maybe built it herself or had someone else build it to her liking.

Karlie comes back with a new shirt on. Her sunglasses were off and she has a bottle of alcohol and a towel with her. Taking a seat beside Taylor she grabs her hand and without warning dumps nearly the whole bottle on her hand.

Taylor screeched in pain pulling her hand away and standing off the couch she started jumping around. "Fucking shit!" She hissed.

"What happened to a count down!?" She yelled the pain so bad her eyes were watering without her control.

"If I would have counted down it would have took twice as long and who knows how many times you would have pulled away before I could even do it." Karlie explains tightening the cap on the bottle.

Taylor takes the towel from the couch and goes to Karlie's sink to wet it. Cleaning it off. The sting was starting to go away. Karlie watched it from her couch and then mentally kicked herself in her face multiple times for even bringing her here.

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