Chapter 35: Watching The Sunset

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5 days later

"Where are you taking me?" Taylor asked looking out the window , they were surrounded by nothing but tall forest trees and mountains. "I am convinced that we live in the woods." Taylor says knowing that they had only left their massive house 10 minutes ago.

"I'm taking you on our date." Karlie says and smiles going up a mountain hill now. Karlie now liked the idea of where they were staying. The idea she had for the date she planned was only something she could do in the scenery they were currently living with. She was never one for romantic gestures and gushy dates as this one but she had to admit she thinks Taylor would like the way it will hopefully turn out.

Taylor watches the trees from below as they continue to go up a hill before Karlie suddenly stops the truck close to the edge of a cliff. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Taylor asked skeptically.

"Yes we're gonna watch the sunset... But i need you to get out of the truck and follow me to the back." Karlie says and kisses Taylor quickly before getting out. Taylor smiles to herself and makes her way to the back. She's surprised and in complete awe seeing that Karlie had made a bed in the back of the truck and had a picnic basket in the middle with lots of pillows, facing the end of the cliff they could watch the sun set perfectly.

"Babe..." Taylor cooes and reaches for Karlie's hands and kisses her softly.

"I did this for us because I've missed being with you too even if we only did it twice... It was the best two times of my life and that's because I'm in love with you and I wanted this to be somehow perfect just as the first." Karlie whispers , her lips still lightly grazing against Taylor's.

Taylor's heart beats rapidly in her chest as she's so trans fixated on her girlfriend. Yes , in her heart Taylor knows they are girlfriends even if Karlie was afraid of the label. "I'm so proud of you Karlie... You've let yourself be open with me. Giving me the key to the door you had locked up because you were just so guarded... I want you to know that I cherish that key every moment i get with you." Taylor says suddenly switching up the topic because in this moment she's seeing Karlie's vulnerable side again. Karlie's hands caress Taylor's waist and she places her forehead against hers.

"You can keep it for as long as I live." Karlie smiles and pulls away. She pulls Taylor over to the truck bed and helps her climb on.

Taylor giggles when Karlie pulls out 3 battery operated candles and sets them up before she opens up the picnic basket and takes out two wine glasses and a bottle of apple cyder.

"No liquor tonight." She simply says and pours Taylor a glass.

"You're being so generous I like it."

Karlie shakes her head and laughs "Come here I didn't do this so you could sit on the opposite end." She pats the spot beside her and watches Taylor crawl over. They sit and talk and eat for a while before Taylor notices the sun was starting to set. She puts her now empty glass down and cuddles into Karlie's side as she watches the sun set finishing off her last bit of a strawberry. She feels content as she relaxes against Karlie's warmth.

"Its so pretty." Taylor says mostly to herself.

Karlie wraps an arm around Taylor and looks at her. "Yeah it is."

Taylor smiles and they continue to watch the sun set until the very last few seconds. Taylor turns her head and kisses the bottom of Karlie's chin. "What else do you have planned?"

"More food." Karlie murmurs.

"Can it wait?"

"Yes it can." Karlie says and begins to roll her body over Taylor's. Taylor begins to scoot up more , pulling Karlie with her she asks with an anxious look in her eye , "Here? We're doing this here?"

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