Chapter 2: Mysterious

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Karlie walks into the bar sitting at a corner she sees Taylor pouring drinks left and right. Something about Taylor intrigued Karlie. Taylor was different then anyone here. Karlie had never been out of this small area where everyone was the same. A 'walking fucked up mess' as Karlie liked to put it. Taylor seemed too good to be working at this trashed up bar. Seeing that man grab ahold of Taylor last night , Karlie couldn't help but make sure she got home okay , knowing how the men are around here , she couldn't have just left Taylor to walk home alone , the guilt would have been too much for Karlie. And anyone who knows Karlie knows that she doesn't act upon guilty feelings. So that was new.


Taylor kept her eyes open for the tall blonde. Karlie was her name. Taylor thought about it and that name definitely did not fit her mysterious personality. Taylor may have spoke to soon as she spotted her in the corner of the room watching her. She quickly looked away down at the table then back up only to still see her staring at her. Turning her back to Karlie she shook her head.

Shes is so strange. She gave a small laugh before pouring a drink in a glass and turning back , waving the drink in the air for Karlie to come over. Karlie shook her head face emotionless as always.

Taylor shrugged and put the drink down next to an empty seat leaving it there for whoever wanted it.

"Can I get the strongest thing you have." A girl asks rushing over and sitting down.

"You sure about that? Its pretty strong stuff." Taylor says but the girl only nods. Taylor mixes the drink and slides it over as the girl gets it down in one gulp.

"Impressive." Taylor says escaping a small laugh.

The girl studied Taylor for a moment. "You're cute are you into girls?" The lady asked with a smirk. Taylor grabbed the glass pouring her another.

"Um I don't get involved with customers." Taylor says throwing the rag over her shoulder.

"Your lost." The girl says taking the glass , drinking it and then taking the drink Taylor poured for Karlie as well and walking off.

"Did you really let her take my drink?" Karlie says sitting down wearing dark sunglasses removing her black leather jacket and setting it down on the table.

"You didn't want it so I figured I'd let anyone who wanted it to take it." She shrugs.

"You could have just drank it." Karlie says looking over her shoulder for a moment.

"I don't drink." Taylor says nonchalantly.

Karlie looks at her bewildered but also not surprised at the same time. "You're kidding right? You're a bartender in an area with the most drunkest people in the population and you're telling me you don't drink?"

"I am telling you exactly that." Taylor says smiling actually. She's actually proud to be one of the only people to live here say that. She figures she could be a good influence or something.

Taylor reaches for Karlie's jacket that she set down so she could wipe the counter.

"Don't touch my stuff." Karlie says firmly on instinct gripping Taylor's wrist from touching it.

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