Chapter 28: Brighter Side

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A/N: I'm so sorry about the wait! I'm sick with pneumonia. But i finished the chapter finally! Because I'm feeling better :) hope you like ;) this is sort of a fluffy chapter if you will.

"Hello stranger." Stephan says with a sweet smile , Patting Karlie's shoulder as she walked past him to head to her locker. She hadn't been at the gym in what felt like ages and after her night last night , that was filled with baked goods and beer she really needed to take the time and head to the gym this morning.

"Don't touch me Stephan." She joked giving an amused grin that he threw right back at her. She put her bag down and began to stretch her legs and arms.

"How's bartender girl?"

Karlie kept her eyes off of him as she spoke briefly , "From what i see , she's good." Stephan nods before attempting to walk away. "Oh! And Stephan?" Karlie calls out.

"Uh yeah?" He asks turning back to her.

"She has a name. Use it." She says rather coldly then she expected.

"Um...right , got it." He says waving her off before exiting the gym altogether. Probably to go for his morning jog. A jog Karlie would've probably joined if he had offered. Or if i didn't over sleep. She watches him leave through the glass windows that surround the gym before narrowing her eyes seeing Taylor walking this way as Stephan was going her way. He stops her and they both seem to be talking about something briefly before Taylor begins looking confused and then watching him jog past her as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Karlie kept her eyes on Taylor as she walked through the door of the gym with coffee's in each hand.

"Stephan just apologized to me for something he did but didn't say what he was apologizing for." Taylor said confused , and laughed a bit as she set the coffees down at the front desk.

Karlie opened her mouth to speak but shut it when Taylor began to talk again. "Is it just you in here?" She asked.

"No. You're here too." Karlie smiled.

"Hmm, well in that case show me what you got Klossy." Taylor says with a competitive smirk sliding her feet out of her boots. Karlie laughs reaching for Taylor's arm and tugging her forward making her slam into her body with much force, Taylor getting a little winded in the process.

"You sure about that?" Karlie asked biting her bottom lip with a mischievious smirk.

"Play nice." Taylor says catching her breath as Karlie stares down upon her now having an arm around her waist.

Taylor squeals when the floor is swiped from her feet as she falls to the floor with a thud , Karlie pinning her hands down , hovering over her.

"I'm nothing but nice." Karlie says very close to Taylor's face. Her warm breath hitting Taylor's skin.

"W-whats got you in such a good mood?" Taylor asks turning her head to the side to glance at the hold Karlie has on her wrist. It was gentle , but not something Karlie ever did to her.

"I'm just sorry for how i acted the other day." Karlie says seeming guilty as she stares into Taylor's blue eyes. Taylor understood what day exactly she's talking about. But Taylor's forgiven her. She figured it was Karlie that wasn't ready even though Karlie said she wanted to , Taylor just knew that part of her wasn't. But she could very well be wrong.

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