Chapter 32: Pillow Talk

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Karlie watches as Taylor lifts her shirt from her body and tosses it to the floor beside the bed. "I don't know how this works." Taylor says with clammy hands.

"No you're doing great." Karlie says immediately bringing her hands to Taylor's hips pulling her down she kisses her neck with soft gentle kisses. This will be the first time Karlie will be doing this in a slow gentle fashion. A proper way of being intimate with someone. So technically this will be Karlie's first real time. Taylor's mouth fall opens but no noises come out as Karlie's now biting and nibbling on skin she had no idea was a sensitive spot. Her hands become even more clammy as her stomach starts to flip around in her body. Karlie unexpectedly turns over flipping them once again while her lips find Taylor's , her body resting between Taylor's legs.

Taylor takes this opportunity to pull at Karlie's shirt. Karlie pulls her lips away and lets Taylor pull her shirt off for her. The cold air makes Karlie break out in chills over her tan skin. Taylor thought Karlie had such a perfect body. She was perfect in her eyes , she didn't think Karlie had one simple flaw about her and even if she did that was somehow just as perfect.

Karlie grabs Taylor's hands and laces her fingers with hers as she slightly pins them to the bed as she leans back down and begins trailing her kisses down her collarbones. Taylor's breathing was off , it was staggering and fast paced, she was anxious and nervous. Getting more nervous with every kiss Karlie leaves. Suddenly Karlie travels back up and sucks and bites Taylor's neck again. Taylor let a small breathy moan escape , a sound she hasn't heard herself make before.

Karlie finds that she likes that noise coming from her. She's never been one to really enjoy that from just anyone. She was trying to go as slow and steadily as she could she was just as nervous if not more nervous for this.

"Are you okay?" Karlie asks looking into blue dilated eyes

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"Are you okay?" Karlie asks looking into blue dilated eyes. She didn't want to continue if Taylor was having second thoughts. Taylor nods and slips her hands from Karlie's and placed them on the side of her ribs. Her skin was hot.

Taylor was so memorized by Karlie right now. She was so beautiful it made her feel so self conscience. Karlie reached for her own bra looking at Taylor while she unsnaps it. Taylor swallows and helps Karlie out of it by pulling the straps down her arms.

"You're so perfect Karlie.." Taylor breathes in admiration. Karlie's heart started to race when Taylor lifted her hands up and caressed her before she also lifted her head from the pillow she was resting on and delicately kisses her neck. This was something Karlie hadn't ever experienced. She always kept her bra on. Never allowing anyone to fully see her bare. That only made this moment so much more special getting to experience something for first time together.

After a long moment of soft kisses , delicate touches and quiet noises. Karlie had gotten Taylor comfortable enough to have her ready with letting Karlie remove her bra. Taylor didn't let Karlie hardly even glance down at her before she pulled so fast down to keep them chest to chest her nerves picking back up. Karlie softly giggled against Taylor's skin on her shoulder.

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