Chapter 6: I felt that

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The moment i was pressed against her , It was like our entire relationship flashed before my eyes , every touch , every kiss , i felt and saw everything in a blur. A relationship with Karlie... Seems and sounds strange but I saw it... It was like time had flashed before me like I was being forced to see those things.  There was like a connection that was so strong it was hard to get me back to reality. I kept hearing a little voice almost and all it kept saying was 'She's ideal for you.'  I don't know what this means but all I can say is that something is bound to happen between me and her and this is a warning sign of it coming... And I know its not bad because when I looked back into those green eyes before I walked away for the night , I saw that she wasn't destined to find me and protect me. But I was destined to find her...To bring back whatever light that was previously there.

Taylor closed her journal and let out a deep breath. She couldn't even think of what she just wrote down. It was something or someone was sending her a message. But she was okay with it. Karlie may think she's supposed to be keeping an eye out for Taylor but Taylor is also going to be the one to help bring the life back into Karlie's life and she's up for the challenge for sure.

Everything happens for a reason.

They had to start fresh. Start over.


Taylor woke up early and found herself walking up the steps to Karlie's little place behind the bar. Two coffees in hand , after last night she wanted to make sure that they stood on decent ground , she definitely did not want it to be weirder then what it already was. When she knocked and the door opened she got a whiff of whatever Karlie's perfume was. The first time her senses where picking up small things like Karlie's smell.

"Um... Can I help you?"

Taylor perked up and smiled , "Funny , that's what i usually ask but , Yeah I brought you coffee to make up for the other days when we didn't get to finish it due to the circumstances." She held out an ice coffee the same one Karlie had ordered the other day. "Don't worry about paying me for it. My treat."

"Um...thanks." Karlie mumbled taking the coffee from Taylor's hand. "You going somewh- oh right no questions sorry..."

Karlie took a drink out of her fresh coffee. "No its fine. Yeah I am actually I'm going to the doctors to get checked. I feel disgusting after lastnight. I don't know why I even did that." Karlie opened up the door allowing Taylor in. She didn't want to but she couldn't just leave her outside while they drank a coffee and talked.

"Will it even show up if you had something? Considering it was just last night?" Taylor asked again slapping herself for asking two questions in that one sentence.

"Taylor the questions are fine okay? Just nothing too personal. You don't have to think about it either. If I don't want to answer I just simply won't. Don't stress about it." Karlie says. Taylor nods and takes a seat on Karlie's couch. Karlie sets the coffee down real quick and goes to the bathroom leaving the door open she began to put her eye contacts in.

"To answer your questions , I don't really know. But I need to do something because cleaning myself isn't keeping me from worrying." Karlie puts her contact in one eye and then moves to the next.

"How was it? I never really thought on how guys and girls have sex let alone two girls."

"Wow you ask a lot of questions." Karlie turned around and was smiling. She was trying to be on good terms too. Did she feel the same thing I did last night?

"It was good but I've had better. It can be different. Your hands , mouth or just you know... I'm not going to go into details I'm sure you'll figure it out when the time comes." Karlie comes back out and sits down a great distance , she sits on the opposite side of her. Leaving a huge gap that neither one of them tried to close.

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