Chapter 31: I'm Afraid Of Attachment

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Six and a half hours in and the sky is dark. Taylor is sleeping peacefully beside Karlie in the passenger seat. Karlie pulls the truck over in what looks to be a closed store of some sort. She sighs leaning her head back against the seat as she takes the key out. Bringing them into darkness. The only light being the moon outside that wasn't too bright. She was sleepy and definitely tired of driving. She grabs her hair tie that was wrapped around her wrist as she put her hair up in a quick bun. She looks over at Taylor and sees goosebumps rising against her skin. She must be cold.

She unlocks the doors and gets out of the truck. Going to the back she searches for a blanket of some sort that she knows one of them packed. After reaching for one that was stuffed in a bag she closes the trunk and gets back inside the truck where Taylor now sits up rubbing her eyes.

"Hey I brought you a blanket." Karlie says shutting the door and placing the blanket in Taylors lap. "I thought you were sleeping."

"I was. But I woke up when I felt that you weren't in here with me." Taylor says spreading the blanket out as Karlie looks at her blankly from what she has just said.

"You felt that I wasn't in here?" She asks rather confusedly.

Taylor only nods and hums in response while trying to get situated with the little space she has. Karlie was taking this subject a lot more seriously then how Taylor was responding. "I just can't sleep without you next to me. I guess that's what love does to a person?"

There's that word again.

The word that Karlie still has no idea of what it means. Still doesn't understand it and still cannot grasp her mind around the fact that Taylor is using it so openly with her right now. Karlie doesn't respond to that either. What was she supposed to say anyways?

"Are we really going to sleep in the truck? I'd rather sleep on a bed..." At least that way I can hold you. Taylor asked looking at Karlie with partly redden eyes. She was still very sleepy. "I don't think there's a hotel anywhere close to where we're currently at." Karlie says pulling out her phone to google something up. After a few minutes of searching and feeling Taylor's stare on her the entire time Karlie finally puts it away.

"The closest hotel is another two hours away.."

Taylor sighs "Are we even in Virginia yet?"

"About an hour and a half away. But I'm beat I don't think I can drive that long."

Taylor opens the truck door and steps out grabbing Olivia in the car Carrier. "What are you doing?" Karlie asked skeptically her hand on her own door.

"Well Olivia probably needs to pee and you don't want to be smelling cat urine in the car all night long do you?"

"Fine make it quick." Karlie says sitting back in her seat. Taylor steps out with the clumsy kitten in her arms.

"Don't run off." Taylor warns the cat before setting her down on the dirty ground , the cat meows and stays seated not looking like making a move to even walk anytime soon. "Go Olivia go use the potty." Taylor says but the cat still stays still looking out into the distance before she decides she'd rather lie down.

"Unbelievable..." She mumbles before picking her back up and dusting her off before setting her back in the carrier and in the truck.

Taylor sits back in her seat quietly. Karlie had her head back and her eyes closed not even looking or paying attention to Taylor when she got back in. Taylor blew air out from her mouth and decided she'd plug her headphones in to listen to music silently to help her fall asleep now that the truck wasn't moving.

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