Chapter 7: Not your Enemy

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"What's with all the paint?" Taylor points to the corner of the room , about 6 giant cans of paint sat there. Karlie stops fiddling with the end of her shirt and looks over in the direction Taylor's pointing at.

"Its for painting." Karlie says.

"Clearly. I'm not an idiot , what's it for?" Taylor slightly laughs.

"Its to paint. You need it to paint. What else would it be for?"

Taylor looked at Karlie and squinted , figuring Karlie must be trying to get her annoyed , She was trying to read her expressions but got nothing from her.

"Like I said , not an idiot." Taylor stood up and searches for her purse that she left in Karlie's kitchen.

"Maybe you should rephrase your question." Karlie says fixing her position on the couch and laying down.

"I don't think you need to be that stupid to figure out what I was saying...anyways , I'm going to get me something for dinner because I'm not eating your frozen dinners , um do you want something?" Taylor asks her hand already on the doorknob.

"Where do you plan on going? Hold on let me get my wallet." Karlie says and hurries to her room slipping through a tiny space as if not wanting Taylor to look inside then shutting the door immediately after. Karlie comes back and gives Taylor ten dollars.

"I'm probably going to get um... Like a cheese burger or something." Taylor says taking the money from her.

A five would have been fine.

"Don't get me that , get me a salad." Karlie says going back to her place on the couch.

"Okay , I'll be back in a few." Taylor says and softly shuts the door.


Taylor arrives back at Karlie's about 15 minutes after she left. She opened the door surprised that it wasn't locked , when she got in Karlie was asleep on the couch her face buried in the couch cushion. She goes to the kitchen and leaves the salad in the bag , taking her cheese burger she goes outside and sits down on the porch steps. It was now dark outside and all she could hear was the crickets chirping. The noise was peaceful and fresh air was needed.

After minutes of sitting and eating she hears the door open from behind her and karlie peaks her head out. Making eye contact with Taylor before saying "I thought you left."

"Still here." Taylor says and looks away towards the front once more taking a bite of her food.
Karlie comes and sits down beside her.

"Are you okay?" Karlie asked looking out ahead. Wondering why she was even out here. Taylor nodded her head and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Wrapping the rest of her food up she was getting full. She makes eye contact with Karlie a brief second and then looks away.

"Seriously what's up? I can see it in your eyes. What happened?" Karlie urged.

"Nothing I swear. I was just thinking about things on the way back and it put me in a weird mood." Taylor shrugs taking a deep breath and then releasing it before she grabs her food and stand up wiping the back of her pants with her hand. Karlie didn't ask anything else , she figured if the tables were turned she wouldn't want Taylor asking her what was on her mind , and even if she did she wouldn't answer her.

"Why say nothing if that is something?... But um... Thanks for the food." Karlie sits up as well following Taylor back inside as she went to her bag.

"Here's your change."Taylor says giving Karlie back five dollars and fifty cents. Karlie takes it and sets it on the counter next to her phone. Her eyes wondering to Taylor's wardrobe. Here came another scenario she didn't want to come up but knew it had to.

"Do you want or need something to sleep in?"

Taylor looked down at her clothing high waisted skinny jeans and top to match. She could definitely use something to wear but was it right taking it from Karlie?

"I'm not your enemy Taylor." Karlie says while Taylor is taking a very long pause debating on an answer.

"I know." Taylor confirms.

"Stop acting like I am." Karlie defends in a relaxed tone.

"Stop trying to be one." Taylor says right back in the same relaxed tone as Karlie. Karlie sucks in her bottom lip and nods her head.

Taylor cleared her throat with a soft cough "Yeah I'd like something to wear please.." Karlie nods again and then heads over to her room. Shutting the door behind her as usual she goes to her closet.

"Do I even have anything for her to wear?"

She finally finds something in her dresser after a few minutes of looking she heads back out and hands Taylor a white long sleeve shirt and boxer shorts.

"Here. Don't worry they're clean. Oh and I don't use those as underwear , just to sleep in. In case you have a germ phobia or something." Karlie says.

Taylor giggles and shakes her head. "I don't have a germ phobia and even if I did , I know you're clean." Taylor says and gets up and walks over to the bathroom to get changed.

This feels strange...

Taylor looks at herself in the mirror , Karlie's shorts fit her perfectly fine. The long sleeve shirt was a bit big and you could clearly see her black bra through it if you looked long enough.

She walks out of the bathroom Shyly. Taylor has never worn someone else's clothes. Its never been something that has come up she always is usually prepared for things like this.

She sets her jeans and top along with her heels on the floor by the couch , all folded up and nice and neat. Karlie comes out from her bedroom with a blanket and pillow. "These are also clean." Karlie says and sets them down on the couch while Taylor watches. Karlie was in Pajama's as well. A new side of Karlie that Taylor hasn't seen.

So she is normal.

"Thank you."

"I'm going to head to sleep now. If you need anything just go ahead." Karlie offers. Looking anywhere but at Taylor. She turns for her bedroom door.

"Goodnight Karlie."

Karlie heads into her room without a sound and shuts it. Hearing her lock it as well , Taylor fixes up her blanket and pillow and then lies ontop of them. A sweet aroma hitting her sense of smell. She gracefully brings the collar of Karlie's shirt to her nose and gives it a small sniff. Inhaling a sweet fresh scent.

"Mmm.." She hummed taking another inhale. The smell set her at ease. Kind of like how , certain smells can bring back certain memories , you can smell something at a random place and it will remind you of the good times or bad times that you've had throughout your life. This smell of Karlie was bringing Taylor to a happy place. She liked it.

She then got beneath the blankets and everything smelled like her. Not the same scent you get when you walk into her home. This scent was a personal scent.

Maybe it's naturally how she smells... Wow you are sounding so weird Taylor. Stop. Taylor sighs and buries herself deep within the couch , it was surprisingly comfortable. She decided to leave the light on , something she did when she wasn't used to staying at a certain place. Keeping the room dark in a place she's never slept at gives her anxiety.


Taylor woke up to clanking waking up with a groan and opening her eyes getting the view of Karlie on the floor lifting weights. Taylor felt a breeze and quickly pulled the shirt down that had raised up sometime during the night. Rubbing her eyes and opening them up clearer Karlie facing the opposite direction of her , her headphones in , she had no idea Taylor was now awake. Taylor stayed laying down and watched her. She was wearing tight , tight elastic workout pants and a workout bra Her butt flexed and Taylor could very easily see the dents on each side. She thought Karlie had a nice butt and so she did stare. She also looked at the crease in the middle of her back and saw sweat glistening down.

Oh gosh I'm so gay.

She laughed a little and stopped her wandering eyes and sat up.

A/N: Thanks for the Lovely feedback!

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