Chapter 23: Figuring Out Emotions

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Kimberly awkwardly looked over at the two. Karlie quickly sat up on the couch getting a better glimpse of her sister. They made eye contact and it was like two strangers meeting for the first time. Two strangers with a whole lot of history , and two sisters with a giant gap that needed to be filled.

"Kimberly.." Karlie started quietly. Still not exactly believing that her long lost sister was standing right in front of her. In her home. Walking out of her room. Karlie sucked up the pain she was feeling when she stood up on her feet and as soon as she did , Kimberly broke down crying and ran into her sisters arms. "I'm so sorry Kimberly. None of this had anything to do with you." She said embracing her little sister as tightly as she could.

It was a beautiful thing to see besides the circumstances. Taylor wiped her tears , happy to see Karlie light up when being near her own blood. Just seeing Karlie kiss the top of her 18 year old sisters head shows how much she truly loves her. Even with something so simple.

"What happened?" Kimberly asked , her body shaking from her cries.

"It doesn't matter its taken care of now." Taylor chimed in.

Karlie rested her head on top her sister's and closed her eyes taking in a few deep breathes. "Its not over Taylor... He's a liar. He gave us a break because he saw you. But he hasn't given up. I disrespected him and went against his rules and Toni is the one who is to blame for it all."

And just like that Taylor's mood flipped. "...What does he want?"

Karlie and her sister let go of each other and Karlie pulls her by her hand to come sit on the couch. Taylor stays standing watching Karlie gather her words together.

"Your father works for some bad people. He has been for a very long time. He's the leader of a dangerous group who make money by doing illegal things... I'm not going to get too much into it because i don't know the full story myself. But the reason I came here in the first place was to make sure you were safe and protected because he got in some trouble with some guys. And they were threatening him by getting to you if he didn't come up with a certain task they needed or wanted. I'm not exactly sure how he came across me but i accepted the offer because I could use the extra money because lets face it my bar is shit... after i had signed papers and what not , the one rule that he told me i must follow was to not be seen by you unless you really needed my help. Which that night at the bar you did... When he found that out , he gave me a free pass because i was trying to protect you. That's when he wanted me to become somewhat friends with you. And because of that and he knew of my pass and how I took advantage of sleeping with other women. He told me i was to not touch you in that kind of way. That if i even slightly looked at you and felt something that he would go after my only family i have left..." Karlie looked to her sister.

"Where does Toni play in all of this?" Taylor questioned looking at the floor and fiddling with her rings. Everything was starting to slowly make sense , she just had trouble believing it all and letting it sink in.

"I don't even know.." Karlie said.

Her eyes never faltering from off Taylor. Soon the room became silent.

Kimberly looked at her sister and saw the way she was looking at Taylor. She easily saw that her sister was crushing. They may have not seen each other in years. But Kimberly can still read her sister as if there hasn't been any time lost.

Karlie was looking at Taylor the same way she did when she first had a crush on a girl in middle school. It was that exact look that Kimberly saw in Karlie to know that she was different then the other girls. She wasn't drooling over boys. She was was battling with figuring herself out and questioning herself on why she wasn't attracted to any of the boys the rest of the girls were attracted to.

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