Chapter 21: You Remind Me Of Her

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"Gosh she's beautiful... She looks like you." Taylor softly spoke. Looking at the photo of Karlie's younger sister. They had some how came to the topic of Karlie's sister and Taylor kindly asked if Karlie would talk a little more about her. It took some time , but instead of really saying much. Karlie just pulled out a picture and told Taylor once she saw the photo she'd easily would be able to tell how opposite she was from Karlie. There wouldn't be much explaining needed. Karlie wasn't planning on going into details about her sister anyways so the topic kind of dropped.

"Is this a recent photo?"

"No." Was all Karlie said. Throughout her getting the picture she had managed to place her sunglasses on. Giving Taylor no way of trying to see how she was feeling.

"You remind me of her in some ways." Karlie says looking at the photo in Taylor's hands. Seeing how Happy her sister was even though they were going through rough times. That was something Taylor is constantly doing.

Taylor looked over her shoulder , "How?"

"You just always seem happy and you don't seem to let the bad things in your life bother you. You still manage to put on a happy face for the people around you. I admired that deeply about my sister. I wanted that kind of positivity but I could just never seem to be able to put it on." Karlie said.

Taylor dragged her finger against the picture frame giving the photo one last look before setting it down in the box Karlie had kept it in.

"It only means we're really good at hiding it which is bad if you really think about it." She says , taking what Karlie said in consideration that it was clearly a compliment but she just didn't really see it that way. Taylor sees it at being so unhappy and miserable all the time , she's found a way to be so good at hiding her worries , her anxiety , her true feelings. Sometimes she wouldn't mind to be a little bitter once in a while. But even that didn't seem like her. She was just a natural positive person that deep down worries about everything.

"I'm... Sorry that I'm leaving... I know it upsets you.." Karlie says removing her glasses. Taylor bites the inside of her cheek looking away at the ground for a moment.

"You don't have to... I can be less annoying and less obnoxious... I don't want you to go... I also don't like begging for things but I'll beg if it meant you staying."

Karlie gives a soft , sad barley there laugh.

"I'm not planning on leaving because your obnoxious. I'm doing it because I need space and time to figure myself out... Its not like I'm leaving you completely alone. You still talk to Blake and Toni." Even though I wished you would stop talking to them.

"Toni means nothing to me. Blake means nothing to me. But you mean something to me. I like you Karlie.. And I don't know how it happened but it did , and if you leave-" Taylor takes a moment before she continues. "-If you leave then I won't have anyone."

Karlie massages her temple's. "That's how much you actually care?" Karlie couldn't understand why.

She hasn't been the most nicest person to her in the first place.

Taylor's cheeks turn bright red and she looked elsewhere. Karlie searches Taylor's face. Keeping her lips shut tight to keep from smiling in the littlest of ways. Something about seeing Taylor get flustered in this way did something to her insides.

You can let your gaurd down a little bit karlie , just do it. Karlie's inner thoughts said to her.

I shouldn't. Spoke her other thought. Too many mind changes are constantly happening it her head. Whether she should do this or do that. It happens so often that Karlie gets tired and usually doesn't do neither. But this time felt different. Something was pushing her to explore her and Taylor's possibilities. But then there was also a million other things that kept her from doing so.

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