Chapter 15: Across The Room

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A/N: if you want to get a brief description of Karlie's style and how she just is in general in the story. Check out the photo I attached!

It had been two days since Taylor had even made eye contact with Karlie. Today was her first day back at work and all she could hope for was that Karlie wouldn't show up. The last thing Taylor wanted was for Karlie to continue her job at being watch guard and save Taylor the embarrassment. But as much as Taylor would hope for that , she also knew that Karlie would end up showing up.

"Hey miss thang. Missed you while you were gone." Toni smiled bumping her hip against hers as she walked by. Taylor gave a weak smile and turned on the screen TV hanging on the wall.

"You okay?" Toni asked skeptically side eyeing her.

"Hmm?" Taylor asked , not paying attention. Her mind kept replaying every detail of what went down at Karlie's , on a non stop screen in her mind. She keeps watching it over and over again. As if she had an out of body experience and was seeing everything happen very clearly.

"You feeling alright?"

"Oh yeah , I'm fine. Just feeling a little under the weather... I got a cat." Taylor mumbled the last part , trying to feel excited but it wasn't quite working.

"Oh really? That's cute. What's the name?"

Taylor stumbled she didn't really know what the name was yet. She'd just been causally talking to it. Not referring to it by anything really. "Uh.. Its uh.."

She looked over at the first thing she saw which happened to be a jar of olives that they would casually throw into certain drinks.

"Olive..ia.." She slowly said unsure.

"Olivia? I love when people name their pets human names." Toni said.

"Yeah me too." Taylor murmured and walked to the door to unlock it and turn on the open sign.

Taylor felt like she was going through a break up that never happened. Karlie was all that she could think about it. The one thing she wish she could remember that she somehow can't is how the kiss felt , she couldn't remember the sensation it brought for the first few seconds of touching mouths with her.

Maybe I can't remember because there wasn't any? Either way I'm a complete idiot. Why did I kiss her? What was I even thinking? She had just got done telling me she couldn't even be close to me and then I go and kiss her? I'm such a fuck up.

As the morning went by Taylor was feeling confident that Karlie maybe wouldn't show up. She'd usually be there already at the time it currently was. They had a full house today , she was constantly doing something and she appreciated the work because it kept her mind at ease and she wasn't thinking too much about the situation that has happened. It came across her mind from time to time but she didn't think any one really noticed.

"Here you go sir." Taylor smiled giving the older man another drink. He was one of the nicer men that would stop by from time to time , and Taylor truly didn't mind serving him. He also left her tips that she wasn't complaining about.

"Hey Tay , Heads up." Toni said moving past her with a stack of empty glasses. Taylor squeezed past her with ease and just as she did , the door opened and Taylor's world stopped as Karlie went and sat down in the back as she would do before she started sitting at the bar. Back when her and Taylor barely had met.

She blinked rapidly looking at Karlie and froze in place as if time had stopped. Every emotion she had somehow pushed away throughout the day came flooding back at a rapid pace. She turned away from that direction too fast for Toni not to notice , embarrassment came flooding back in and if she wasn't at work there's a chance she could cry. She took a few deep breathes before she went to the opposite direction of karlie and didn't pay any attention to her after that.

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