Chapter One

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Chapter One:

I woke up with sleep in my eyes. I rubbed them with the back of my hand, not wanting to get out of bed but knowing that I would eventually have to. I had a part-time job to go to.

I earned that money to pay my foster parents back to repay their kindness of taking me in as a son when I was so young; they have also bought me anything I have ever hoped for.

I jumped out of my king-sized bed, looking at the time. I had to be there in ten minutes however luck was on my side as it only took two minutes to get there. I opened up every draw in order to find my shirts and trousers. I threw on the clothes that I had got my hands on first, which was a black shirt and dark jeans. Where I work there is no uniform is necessary, which is one of the best part of working there.

I ran into the spacious kitchen where my mother was making pancakes, they smelt wonderful and tasted exactly that. She makes them every Saturday. My mum knows that they are my favourite.

"Did you set your alarm?" my mother smiled. Not answering, I threw her a smile as I sprinted out the door, missing breakfast. I raced to my car hoping that I would make it in time.

I am hoping I'll be able to pay them back for the car as well. I honestly don't know how much I'll be able to pay back, but I will try to pay as much as I possibly can.

I made it to work with a few seconds to spare. I work at a shopping center. It's not that interesting, but I do what I have to in order to get money. I have three part-time jobs so not every one of them is interesting.

I entered the big concrete building that could as well have been a prison because the place looked run-down and unpleasant. Inside was a different matter, it was the most stunning scene, it looks like something out of a movie or only something you could imagine in a dream.

I walked quickly in order to try and get to work on time. Last week I was late so I didn't get paid as much, even just coming a couple of minutes late. I lied I was actually an hour late but I am a busy man when it comes to sleep.

I was a few blocks away from the shop. The shopping center is huge and I tend to get a little lost.

I felt someone's eyes burning into the back of my head, making me turn around to see who it was.

There seemed to be no one in plain sight so I sniffed for any scents out of the ordinary. There didn't seem to be any scents that caught me off guard. I didn't know why but the feeling I got was felt deep in my gut.

I decided I would just head home not enjoying the nervous feeling I had.

I left the overly crowded shopping center and headed over to my car. I couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was about to happen.

I made it to my car and got out the keys to open it, my hands were shaking as I was trying to open the car. Despite my efforts, I ended up dropping them anyway. I cursed under my breath. I bent down to grab my keys off of the gravel. I felt a tap on my shoulder causing me to react.

I turned around to see who it was. I couldn't identify the person, as whoever it was they we're wearing a black ski mask, like the ones they wear in robberies on TV.

He threw me to the ground with such force that it knocked the wind out of me. He pinned me down into the gravel road so I couldn't get away. I tired thrashing about trying to get myself out of his reach. I knew I couldn't get away, no matter how much I tried because he was way too strong for my fragile body to handle.

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