Chapter Four

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Chapter Four:

I woke up in a blindingly white room causing me to immediately squint my eyes. In this room, there was nothing but a bed and a toilet. I knew what they were there for.

I wouldn't sleep on the bed as it offered me too much comfort. Maybe this is what they do, they provide a somewhat decent looking room while you're in the white room being fucked up by toxins.

Nausea made its way into my body. I was trying to fight off the toxins and vomiting this was the best way of getting rid of them.

I rushed over to the toilet throwing up. It vomited a few times before I eventually stopped. I laid on the ground closing my eyes. I just hoped that sleep would take me away.

I opened my eyes with the realisation that I was surrounded by glass. I couldn't see through it but I was sure that the person on the other side could see me. There was a security camera in the corner it was barely noticeable.

I started to put pressure onto my stomach. I didn't realise that my wounds were still bleeding until I felt the warmth of it on my skin. The pain was excruciating. I had no choice but to fight it. I couldn't let these hellhounds kill me. I don't know how they think they have the right to do this.


As a couple of days went by I couldn't stop throwing up. The only good thing that happened to me was that my wounds had finally stopped bleeding but my bloodlust has gotten worse as the days go on.

The door opened to reveal the same hellhound guard that took me to the black room. He smiled taking me by the arm and leading me back to my cell to either die or have to endure more of this pain.

He chained me back to the floor and securely shut the cell. I lay on the floor helpless. I could barely move as it is. I closed my eyes wishing the pain would go away.

"Logan... Logan," a voice whispered. My ears pricked up as I heard the voice realising that it was Kyran.

"What is it Kyran?" I asked.

"Are you okay? You looked like you were dead but I wanted to make sure," he said grimly.

"Do I really look that bad? You weren't kidding when you said this was torture at its worst. How long have you been here anyway?" I asked.

"Firstly, you look like death itself and secondly, I have been here for a little over two years," he revealed to me as he answered my questions.

Kyran looked bad himself his wounds were still bleeding. He had jagged lacerations covering every inch of his back. I almost gagged just by looking at him.

"Logan, we need to find a way out of here. How about sneaking out way out?" Kyran suggested. I looked at him as though he was insane.

"Kyran that is not an option. You know that. We have to wait for someone to come or just accept our fate" I said. I felt like I was the one loosing hope.

"Anyway, perhaps that was a dumb idea," Kyran sighed,

"Logan, you need to learn to keep your mouth shut," Kyran warned, "The quieter you are the more they leave you alone. You can't exactly be forgotten since you're the only Hybrid here though," he sighed, "Why does everything have to be so complicated."

"Kyran what else happens here?" I asked while trying to take in deep breaths of air. As the air filled my body rather than satisfying it, it felt as though the air burnt my lungs.

"They put you through a series of tests that consist of physical and mental strength. Physical torture isn't the only torture they conduct. To get through the mental torture tune out everything they say. I know it's easier said than done. You need to heal fast and prepare for that. They might even carry out some of the mental tortures today but you never really know what's next," he explained.

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