Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

 I woke up picking Warwick off of me carefully and putting him back onto the couch without waking him up. I looked in the fridge to find plenty of raw meats, eggs, dairy and fruits and vegetables. I grabbed the pancake mix as well as waffles.

 I pull out the toaster. I've never had waffles before. I wonder what they taste like

 I put the waffles in the toaster and started to cook the pancakes on the frying pan.  I winced at the pain but it wasn’t nothing I've hadn’t had before.

 “You alright?” Hayden asked concerned “I'm sorry brother I guess I still am kind of mad at you for almost killing me but I guess it wasn't your fault. I am going to kill that Alpha”

 “No need to apologize I kind of deserved that, I'm alright” I smiled to reassure him that there was no hard feelings

 “What’s the time anyway?” Hayden asked a bit off topic

 I looked at the time “Shit” I left the fridge and immediately ran into my room throwing on a pair of jeans and a plain white shirt

“What?” Hayden asked

 “Its two in the afternoon Hayden. I have to be somewhere” I panicked

 I ran out the door on my way to the medical centre, I couldn’t believe I forgot. Wait no I didn’t forget I just slept in. I can’t believe it I'm so stupid. I saw him when he got angry and honestly I really don't feel like getting him upset.

 I made my way in there to find Francis calmly waiting “You slept in didn’t you?” he asked as if he was reading my mind but I knew he wasn't.

 “Kind of” I answered cautiously, he seemed back to his usual calm state. I hope.

 “I'm only going to draw your blood today” He told me “I didn’t think I would have to wait around for a couple of hours”

 “I'm sorry about that” I apologized quickly

 “Why are you bleeding anyway?” he asked me

 “What?” I asked, how the hell did he even know that? I didn't think the smell would still be on me considering the wound is patched up and I'm in a fresh new set of clothing.

 “You heard me, why are you bleeding?” he asked

 “Hayden” I answered looking to the ground

 “Doesn’t surprise me, you two never got along anyway” Francis seemed as though he was remembering the past. I don’t have any memories of him I don’t think. Maybe some of them might come back

 “Anyway hurry up and follow me” Francis seemed to come back from whatever he was remembering. I couldn't help but be curious about what exactly he was remembering.

 I followed him into a room that was white and filled with plenty of medical objects. The white of the walls was almost blinding as the sun was blaring through the windows

 He motioned me to sit down on the edge of a bed and I did that. He pulled out a needle, not a small needle but a much larger one. He stabbed me with the needle and drew my blood. I felt light headed afterwards. Quite a lot of blood was drawn. I wonder what he was going to use it for.

 “Alright, tomorrow don’t be late or you will be in for it” Francis allowed me to leave, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be

 I left the medical centre as quickly as I could, not wanting to be in there any longer than I need to. As I was walking back to the house there were Hybrids that were blocking the footpath. I didn't want any trouble from them.

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