Chapter Nineteen

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 Chapter Nineteen:

 “Logan wake up” Hayden shook me awake, Warwick was already getting changed for school.

 “Yeah I’ll be up in a second” I told him, my eyes slowly closing shut

 Hayden pushed me out of bed. A big thump echoed through the room as I collided with the floor landing on my back “What was that for?” I asked angrily

 “You need to get Warwick to school remember” Hayden stood over me with his arms folded

 “I know, I know” I got up going to my own room to get changed. I threw on some casual wear quickly hoping that I don’t make Warwick late

 “I had to feed and clothe the kid Logan, seriously” Hayden shouted through the door, I was getting changed in “You need to step up to your role because I am not doing it” Hayden continued to say

 “Okay Hayden I will do better” I shouted back annoyed that he was telling me all the things I should be doing but I knew it was the truth, if I was to look after him it's always going to be him first.

 “Stop fighting” Warwick yelled from the kitchen where he was waiting to leave

 “Sorry buddy” I walked out of the room to greet him

 “Yeah sorry about that Warwick” Hayden apologized scratching the back of his neck

 “Well are you ready then?” I asked Warwick

 Warwick looked at his watch “Because of you I'm late” he scolded me

 “Sorry Warwick, lets get going then” I left the house with Warwick behind me

 Once we got on our way it was evident that Warwick was still mad at me, I understand why I guess. I made him late. I wonder why school was so important though. I wont read his mind, even if I did I would have to take down my barrier because I haven’t been able to master both, keeping the barrier up and trying to read peoples thoughts at the same time. I can’t risk it. Not when people like those Hybrids tried to attack me when I was weak.

 “Warwick, how long are you going to be mad at me for?” I asked, looking back behind my shoulder to see his frowned face

 “Until you get what you did wrong” his arms were folded, a frown on his face.

 “But I have” I whined. I knew what it was that I had done wrong but it seemed as though it wasn't the right answer for Warwick. Why was he such a smart kid?

 “You're so immature” Warwick stormed in front of me

 I let Warwick go ahead of me. I should give him some space to cool down. I was only trying to be light-hearted I guess but because I didn’t wake up at the right time I guess he had a reason to be mad at me. Hopefully he doesn’t hold a grudge for too long

 “Bye” Warwick stormed off to school, I sighed at least he said goodbye

 “What did you do this time?” the Alpha laughed

 "What the hell are you doing here?” I asked. I wondered why he was following me

 “Just checking up on you and Warwick. Is there a problem with that?” he raised an eyebrow

 I sighed angrily “No there isn’t” I folded my arms. I actually did have a problem with him following me, is that honestly why he was following me or was there some hidden agenda.

 “I thought so. Come with me” the Alpha motioned me to follow him. There is the hidden agenda.

 I followed, not sure why I did. It may be something useful or it may just be a trap. I guess I'll find out later then. I felt the nerves setting in as I followed on.

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