Chapter Thirty-Four

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  Chapter Thirty-Four:

 “Oh my god” I choked holding back tears. I ran up to my mate with open arms, I embraced her being carful of her stomach that was now bearing one of our own. “I missed you so much, what did they do?” I whispered into her ear. I took her face in my hands awaiting her answer.

 “I'm fine, they mainly wanted to be around for the delivery, I don’t know what there going to do Logan” she wiped a tear that escaped my eye with her tiny finger. I put my hands onto her wrists tightly squeezing.

 “I don’t know either babe but you have to promise me one thing” I started with a shaky voice. Kayla looked deep into my eyes wondering what I was about to say “That no matter if I make it or not you will look after yourself and the kids” Tears were falling out of my eyes now, I took her welcoming arms back into the embrace, my head on her right shoulder.

 “It’s going to be okay Logan, you will get through this you always do, and I do promise to you that I will, no matter what” Kayla lifted up my chin smiling genuinely. She wiped the remaining tears from my eyes

 “You have no idea how much I love you” I smiled back with a grin on my face.

 “I love you too, idiot” she put her arms around my neck bringing my face back down to hers. Our lips smashed together with passion, a kiss that was desperate, that may be our last. She pulled back with a grin “Ronan will come back with Warwick any minute now” she flicked my nose making me playfully growl into her neck.

 I put my hand on her stomach that was now round. “Have you found out how much your having?” I asked her

 “Only two, they are going to be boys” she smiled “I cant believe it was only the one time, and you took advantage of me” she punched me in the chest

 “Ow that really hurt” I exaggeratedly stumbled back, holding onto my chest pretending that I was wounded.

 “Stop making fun of me, you are such an idiot” she laughed

 “Logan!” I heard Warwick’s shout in the distance. I turned to face him, bending down and opening my arms out wide. He ran into my arms hugging onto me for dear life. I winced, not that he noticed. “I don’t like them Logan, only Ronan is nice to me” Warwick started to loudly sob on my shoulder. I put my hand on the back of his head while the other holding him tightly.

 “What did they do Warwick?” I asked him “What did they want?”

 “They were trying to force me to shift, injecting stuff into me. It hurt but I didn’t shift” Warwick cried even louder. I hushed into his ear waiting for him to stop crying, I knew that my uncles would be up to something, they always were. I can’t seem to trust any one of them.

 “Did you do anything to them?” I looked at Ronan for an answer

 Ronan sighed “If it means anything to you, I was against the idea. We needed you to fight, not to be distracted when you are about to go into battle, more likely to get yourself killed”

 “Did you do anything?” I asked him again, I'm not sure if he is purposely avoiding the question or I cut him off too quickly

 “I was getting to that part Logan. No I didn’t do anything but look after them, even ask Kayla and Warwick yourself” Ronan proposed motioning to Kayla and Warwick

 Kayla put a her tiny hand onto my shoulder slightly squeezing to comfort me “He’s right Logan, he didn’t do anything bad to us, right Warwick” Kayla looked over to Warwick, he nodded in response

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