Chapter Fourteen

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 Chapter Fourteen:

 “I’m on it” Laurence ran straight to her side, resuscitating her. I stood by hopelessly not being able to do a thing kind of like drowning, all I can do is just watch her not being able to do anything for her while I watch helplessly while she fights for her life.

 I was straining my ears to be able to somehow hear a beat of her heart one that was most likely very weak because of the condition she was in.

 Please, please. Keep fighting keep holding on. I don’t know why I feel so strongly about a girl that I have never met or even spoke a word to.

 I know mates are destined to be with one another. I always thought I knew what love was, that I had experienced it before with my other partners but the connection between the one that was made for you, was so special, so unique. I know for a fact that I love her but will the feeling be mutual, will she love me too?

 All I know is that no matter what, my love will be undying. If she doesn’t return those feelings I will let her go because I love her, I wouldn’t want her to do anything that she wouldn’t want to do. I cannot force her to love me.

 I heard her heart start beating again, stronger than it ever had before. I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until I took in a deep mouthful of air.

 “Thank you so much Laurence” I told him weakly dropping down into my chair. I rested my head in my hands slowly getting my breathing back to normal.

 “Logan you need to stop worrying so much, I'm doing everything I can at the moment. I know for a fact that she will be fine” Laurence sat in the seat beside me and patted me on the back

 “I appreciate all that your doing. I'm just really afraid about what the Alpha would do to her; he could kill her if he wanted to. Just like what he did to my family” I looked up at Laurence, I saw his face shocked then it turned to anger.

 “Well that son of a bitch he had no right to do that to you. No matter if he is related to you, we all know how arrogant he is. I did not approve of what he did but I have no voice, I'm just a solider in his game as well as you. I have accepted to keep my mouth shut because I don’t want the same thing to happened to me. You were made an example of” Laurence’s voice rose in anger

 “I wish that you never experienced that because it was very tragic, having to kill your own brother, your mother and father dying right in front of your eyes. I hope that your mate doesn’t accept the same fate I really do” Laurence patted my knee comforting me.

 “Do whatever you have to Logan” Laurence's last words were before getting up from by my side and leaving the room

I continued to watch the rise and fall of her chest; it didn’t bore me at all. I thought it would but I could just watch her all day.

 I have to figure out some way to make her stronger, I have to help in some way. Anyway would be better than none. I could always giver her anti-toxins that basically help the body recover from any injuries that way.

 I will only do that the next time her heart gives out, I would trade her life for my own, this made me laugh since I've never actually talked to her yet I would give my own life for hers

 I heard the door open, Laurence entered with two cups of tea in his hand. He handed one to me sitting beside me. I smelled the tea it was Australian afternoon tea. One of my favourite teas it was, actually along with English breakfast. I wasn't much of a coffee person.

 I took a sip burning my tongue. I sighed I hate when that happens even though it heals as quickly as it came.

 “Laurence if it happens again, if her heart gives up again. I will giver her, my anti-venom no matter what you say. I will” I took a sip of my tea now that it was cooler.

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