How You Meet

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Harry: "Alright, Sevy. What are we doing on this most glorious day?" You ignored how the surly Potions' master glared at you, not paying attention to the extra occupant in the room. Another day, another detention. You had detention at least once a week in all honesty. This time, it was because you "accidentally" set Pansy Parkinson on fire when you saw her making fun of your friend, Luna Lovegood. "I am not in the mood to deal with you right now. Clean these cauldrons, I don't care how you do it. I have a headache and if you tempt me, I will give you detention with McGonagall for the entirety of the year. I'll be in my office if you manage to curse yourself." You pouted as he stormed off, his cloak flying in the wind. "Wow." Your wand was in your hand immediately as the person in the room finally spoke. Looking at him, you saw his infamous messy black hair and eyes as green as the Avada Kedavra itself, which were wide as saucers. "Oh, it's you. Welcome to the Batcave, Potter." He looked confused. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" You stuck your hand out. "(Y/N), (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)." He stared at your hand like he expected it to turn into a knife. "I don't bite," you say as he he hesitantly took your hand. "Hard enough." You snapped at him, laughing at how he jumped.

Ron: "You're staring at him, again." You looked down at your food as your friend, Dean Thomas, saw you staring at the youngest Weasley son. "I'm not staring at him. I was thinking and happened to be looking in that direction." Seamus snorted, holding his hands up in mock surrender when you glared at him. "I'm moving, since you two have decided that you will continue to be impossible." You ignored their fake apologizing as you stood, not noticing Lavender Brown stick out her leg, your ankle catching her foot as your body quickly approached the hard flooring of the Great Hall. You closed your eyes and waited for the impact, but it never came. Opening your eyes, you were met with the bluest eyes you had ever seen. "Alright there?" You stuttered, not able to form a coherent word, let alone an entire sentence. "You're (Y/N), right?" You gulped, nodding slowly. "Well, (Y/N), be careful next time." You nodded rapidly, quickly rising to your feet, sitting next to Seamus. "So nice of you to join us," Dean said, hiding his laugh behind his hand. "Shut up," you grumbled, throwing a potato wedge at him, Seamus laughing at him holding his eyes dramatically.

Draco: You had been seeing him around all year, but you never actually said anything to him. Every time you did see him, Pansy was there. You and Pansy didn't have a good history before you transferred to Hogwarts and now that you were on her turf, she used everything she could to make you as miserable as she possibly could. You did have a few friends here and there, but not many people in Slytherin were willing to rub the Parkinson heir the wrong way, knowing she was probably betrothed to THE Draco Malfoy. Standing, you made your way to the portrait door, deciding to maybe pay a visit to the Hospital Wing to help Madame Pomfrey. As the door opened, you collided with a hard figure, which knocked you on the floor. "Watch whe you're going, you-" You looked up to see the most beautiful slate eyes you had ever seen. You two had been staring at each other for a bit before he hurriedly helped you to your feet, surprising you. "My deepest apologies. Had I known someone as beautiful as you would slam into me today, I would have prepped my self." You blushed as his lips brushed over your knuckles, suppressing the urge to giggle. You'd heard rumors of the infamous Malfoy charm, but you didn't expect that. He looked like he'd had a rough day, his tie loosened, sleeves rolled up to the elbow, the top few buttons of his shirt undone, revealing alabaster skin, and hair slightly ruffled. You thought he looked beautiful to an extent, but you wouldn't let him know that. Blinking a few times, you straightened. You were (Y/N)! No man should have you giggling and blushing like an idiot. Straightening your posture, you smiled at him. "Thank you for your help." With that, you walked past him, not missing how he stared behind you. "(Y/N)." He looked confused for a second. "What?" You smirked. "My name is (Y/N)." And that is how you left him, staring at the portrait hole.

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