What He and His Friends Think About You

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Harry: "She's amazing. A little rough around the edges, but that makes her even more perfect to me."

Ron: She's a bit different, but I guess she's alright. For a snake, I mean. She bloody intimidates everyone, though. I wouldn't want be on her bad side.

Hermione: I think Harry and (Y/N) are compatible. She completes him in ways that I never thought he could be.

Draco: My girlfriend? What do you need to know about her? Who are you?

Blaise: Oh yeah, she's alright. I heard her dad dumped her on some Muggles when she was a kid or something. Drake loves her, but I doubt the old man will let the whole pseudo-mudblood thing slide.

Theo: I don't know much about her, except that she's pretty nice to everyone and "an all around delight" from what I heard McGonagall say.

Crabbe: I like her. She gives us food.

Goyle: She stopped talking to Draco until he apologized for calling me an idiot, so I have no problem with her.

Ron: Wow is all I can really say. She's amazing.

Harry: She stares at me a lot. It makes me a bit uncomfortable. Then again, who can resist the excitement of- *a shoe comes flying out if nowhere and smacks him upside the head* I WASN'T EVEN GOING TO SAY ANYTHING CONCEITED! (She's always there lol)

Hermione: I'm happy Ron is with someone that can challenge him mentally as well as emotionally. Since he met her, his grades have drastically improved.

Theo: Oh god she gets on my nerves. Then again, that woman is going to be the death of me.

Draco: (Y/N)? I reckon she's a good match for Theo. They have an opposites attraction thing going on I guess and she is a pretty good witch, even if she is a mudblood.

Blaise: Oh yeah the Raven. She's pretty okay with me actually. She tutors the entire Slytherin house and grades are definitely up recently, so she gives back, too. More people are willing to be seen taking to a mudblood now, so inter-house unity is getting better.

Neville: She is so cute. Just precious.

Seamus: You don't see much of her. Very shy, that one.

Dean: Who?

Seamus: Oh yeah, definitely amazing. She's crazy strong, yet delicate at the same time. It's hard to believe she's all mines.

Dean: We have lost so many bets to her. I think she's a perfect little addition to our group.

Oliver: Is it to early to say love?

Fred: She's pretty bloody wicked. What do you think, Forge?

George: I think we need to think of other compliments besides wicked, Gred.

Fred: Have you heard her laugh? It's the most adorable thing ever, you have to hear it. Anyway, there isn't much to say that hasn't been said really. Everyone loves a good forbidden romance, myself included, and here at Hogwarts, Slytherin dating Gryffindor is as forbidden as they come.

George: She makes Gred happy, so I'm happy with her. A lot of people are against her and Fred being together, but they make each other happy.

Lee: She's awesome. She helps me get out of trouble sometimes and boy does she have connections.

George: I honestly have an amazing time with her. It's hard to believe that I went so long without her being in my life.

Fred: George has gone soft on me.

Lee: She brings out the best in George and that's all we can really ask for from her. That and helping me commentate at the games. I mean, I can't do that on my own, Merlin knows what trouble I'd get into.

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