He Asks You Out

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Harry: You suppressed the urge to laugh at him as he fumbled over his words. "Well, I mean, we've known each other for a while now, (Y/N), and you known I think you're a pretty cool person," He said as he looked at his hands. You nearly fell out if your chair in laughter as he drooled slightly, but you didn't want to hurt his pride, so you kept quiet. Of course you knew what he was saying, but this was fun to watch. Huffing, he looked up at you. "Will you go to Hogsmeade with me?" Raising an eyebrow, you shrugged. "Sure, Harry." Smiling, he relaxed a little bit. "Then again, I go to Hogsmeade with you every weekend, I don't see what the-" "ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!" This time, you did fall out of your chair in peals of laughter, Madame Pince storming around a bookshelf with a glare on her face as she began to tell you off.

Ron: He was staring again. It had been three days since you last talked, but he stared at you every day, seeming to want to say something, but he never did. Now, he was peeping around the corner of his chair as you tried to work on your essay for DADA. Then, it was over. You relaxed, but not before you saw a ginger head slowly rising from the back of the seat. You started to tell him off, but he beat you to the punch. "(Y/N), WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?!" Everyone turned to you and your words died in your throat. Swallowing the large lump that seemed to develop in your throat, you spoke up. "Of course." It was quiet for a second and then there was cheering that erupted through the entire common room.

Draco: You didn't know who it was, but you seemed to have a secret admirer. Every morning when you went to breakfast, there would be flowers in your usual seat and a note attached to them with some of the sweetest things ever. This morning was no different. They were your favorite flowers, too. Lavender and long stemmed red roses just spoke to you in ways that no other flower did. "There is nothing wrong with (Y/N), whoever you are! She just looks like that!" You ignored the snickers that went throughout the table as you rose to your feet to put the flowers in some water.

As you were making your way to the common room, you felt a hand pull you into an empty classroom. You didn't waste a moment using your new gift as a deadly weapon to beat the living daylights out of whoever dared to grab you. "It's me, it's me!" You froze in your actions, catching your breath. "Draco?" He separated from you, laughing slightly. "Yeah. So much for being spontaneous and romantic." You let out a deep breath. "You scared the crap out of me, Draco! I thought you were an attacker." He smiled. "I see you got my gifts," he said, motioning to the broken flowers in your hands. "You sent these?" He nodded. "Why?" You couldn't really make out his face in the room, but he seemed off slightly. "(Y/F/N Y/L/N), will you do me the honor of allowing me to court you?" You gasped at the question, thoughts whirring in your head. "But I'm not," you looked for the right word. "I'm not good enough. I'm not like Daphne or Pansy. You'll be more accepted courting someone like them." You looked down at your feet, your eyes stinging slightly. "I guess I would," he said, pausing. "But maybe I want to be worse off. I like you, not them. So what do you say? You and me at Hogsmeade?" You smiled, nodding slightly. He grabbed your hands, kissing your fingertips. You felt like something was off. Pulling him into the moonlight, you gasped. Is entire face an hands were swollen. "Draco, what happened?" He smiled shyly. "As it turns out, I happen to be allergic to Lavender." You shook your head pulling him by his hand. "Off to Madame Pomfrey we go."

Seamus: You were a little tired, but it didn't seem to be anything serious. You never thought that walking home from work would be that tiring. That was until you actually walked up the stairs to the front door of the apartment you shared with Seamus. You sleepily put the key in the lock, stumbling into the front door. You weren't ready for the giant fire that seemed to be scorching the entire room as you watched your roommate running around like a maniac to put it out. You swished your wand, the fire disappearing in a matter of seconds. "What," you said, looking around the room. "Happened?" He looked down at his feet. "I tried to make dinner." You shook your head, holding out your hands. He followed you to the couch as you got the burn ointment. Applying it to his hands, you sighed, watching as he huffed. "Will you go out on a date with me? My obvious plans for a romantic dinner have failed, but my pride is still intact. Now I will remind you that if you say no, it will shatter." You rolled your eyes as you made it to your feet. "Go get dressed, doofus."

Blaise: You were simply relaxing in the library when your book was snatched out of your hands and tossed across the floor. "You've got ten seconds, Zabini. Make them count." He stepped back slightly, picking up your book and placing it on the table next to him. "I have come to kidnap you for a night of enjoyment." You raised an eyebrow. "A date, (Y/N). A date." You glared at him, snatching your book off of the table. "So is that a yes?" You stomped off. "I'll be ready in a minute." He laughed, heading out if the library.

Theo: He kind of blurted it out. One minute, you were studying, then the next, he had asked you to go to dinner with him. You and Theo had never been on a date before. Sure you guys had mutual feelings towards each other in Hogwarts, but it ended too short after the Death Eaters invaded the castle. Then, you two were pit against each other. After graduation, you two didn't talk much due to the Death Eater trials. Once he was acquitted, you two had started Healer training at the same time and you became study buddies. Now, it looked like you were trying again. "You want to date me?" He looked at you like you had grown a third head. "Of course I do! Why wouldn't I?" You shook your head. "I don't know. I just assumed that now that we're older, you would have found someone better." He shook his head. "No such person exists, and I will spend as much time as I can proving that to you." You blushed as he smiled, going back to his studies.

Oliver: "No way in hell." You smacked your brother upside the head as you looked at a sweaty Oliver, who stood on your front doorstep. "Hop somewhere, Frog," you growled at him. He held up his hands in mock surrender, heading back inside. "Hello, Oliver." He smiled, straightening his back. "(Y/N) Flint, would you do me the honor of accompanying me to dinner tonight while my team is in town?" You shook your head, ignoring the way he frowned. "I am, however, free for lunch today." His eyes lightened up as he smiled.

Fred: "You woke me up out of my sleep to ask me to go to Hogsmeade with you." You glared at Fred through eyes that were barely open. He smiled. "I felt like I should ask you as soon as the idea came to my mind. It's not my fault you're a lazy bum." You huffed, reaching for your blankets, but he held them away. You didn't even know how he got in your dorm, but you didn't care at the moment. You wanted sleep. "I'll be there. Let me sleep!" He laughed as you threw your slipper at him, finally handing you back your blanket.

George: You were in Herbology working on a plant when your eyes were suddenly covered. "I have taken your sight, fair maiden." You sighed, knowing that only one person had that voice. "Oh no, not my sight. How ever will I live my unassuming life again?" He laughed. "Fear not, for I know how to save you." You gasped dramatically. "Oh good sir. How may I save my sight?" He seemed to ponder. "There is a rather dashing gentleman by the name of George Weasley of the Weasley clan. He is spending his evening alone. Agree to it and you shall see again." You laughed. "Sure, George." He laughed lightly. "That's Sir George to you, fair maiden."

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