You Haven't Seen Him For A Long Time

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Harry: "I can't see him!" You tried to stand in your tippy toes to see Harry as Teddy tried to help. He had been away for six months on an Auror mission and you hadn't written him in two weeks because of it. You missed the turnip, much more than you would have cared to admit. There were so many people around, you couldn't get a good look at anything. "He's so short, wouldn't be surprised if he was standing right in front of us." There was a scoff behind you. "You're one to talk, you Dwarf." You nearly screamed out loud as you jumped. "Bloody fucking Merlin, don't do that, Potter!" He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around you. "I missed you so much," he said, kissing you on the cheek. "I missed you too, you wanker," you said, squeezing him tightly. "What about me?!" You rolled your eyes, scooping up the small Metamorphagus. "What about you, Eddie Boy? Got something you need to get off your chest?" He nodded. "Well out with it then. I'm sure the Hobbit's dying to hear what you've got to say," you said, squeaking when Harry bit your ear. "I missed you, Papa," he said, leaning over and hugging Harry, who returned it with a gusto. "I missed you, too, Buppa. More than you can ever imagine." People were staring, but the three of you paid them no attention, you had grown used to it. "Well let's get you home," you said, pulling him along. Teddy nodded. "Mumma's going to make a giant cinnamon bun!" Harry chuckled. "Too much dough?" You glared at him, but nodded. "Entirely." He shook his head. "Some things never change."

Ron: Gardening was beginning to get tiring. Sure, you knew it would be a boring hobby, but you were adamant about proving that you could do it, no matter how many dead vegetables were there. Now, you hated it. You started doing it as a way to take your mind off of Ron being away. It took you quite a while to get used to the fact that he wanted to become and Auror, mostly due to you believing that he would grow out of the desire once war showed him what he was possibly going to be facing every single day, but if anything, it lit a fire under his ass and he was even more sure than he had been in school. You never knew whether to feel proud of him for defending wizardkind or furious at him for putting himself in danger. "You'll juice them if you keep squeezing them like that." Your head shot up, your eyes widening as he stood before you, red head flowing to his shoulders, some trimmed beard, and blue eyes shining with humor. "You need a haircut," you said after a long silence, his laughter reaching your ears, something that made you smile. He helped you to your feet, prying the ugly carrots out of your hand. You knew you looked a sight, hair all messy, dirt on your face, caked with sweat. "I've waited six weeks to see that beautiful face," he said, planting a kiss on your lips. "Oh hush," you said, brushing dirt off of your pants. He smiled, scooping you up in his arms. "Well let's go get cleaned up, I'm taking you out to dinner," he said, walking towards the house. Some things never changed.

Neville: A crash and a groaning sound alerted you that someone was in your room. Leaping to your feet, you made your way to the closet, grabbing a baseball bat and creeping towards the source of the noise. Silent as a mouse, you looked at the foot of your bed to see someone slowly standing. Letting out a loud warcry, you swung the aluminum bat, hitting them in the knee and then proceeding to claw their eyes out. "(Y/N)! STOP IT PLEASE!" You froze in mid scratch, looking down to see that it was Neville. "Don't scare me like that, Nev! I thought you were some kind of sex maniac!" He chuckled, hissing as he made his way upright. "No, I'm not a sex maniac." You giggled, kissing his cheek. "I'd tell you I was sorry if I meant it, but that's what you get for scaring me." He smiled, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close. "You've got a hell of a swing. Why didn't you play quidditch again? You could've given the Weasley twins a run for their money." Smacking his shoulder, you sighed. "I missed you, Nev." He smiled. "I missed you too."

Draco: "He's on his way, (Y/N), do be patient." Patient? Draco had been away so long, almost a year in Azkaban. You missed him dearly. He probably thought the worst of you, but it wasn't your fault. Pregnant women couldn't go to Azkaban and you had no way of telling him, even though you tried to storm the wards, which was a bad idea. Hermione tried to help you get a letter to him, but they refused to allow it. Narcissa wasn't allowed into Azkaban to visit Draco and Lucius due to her house arrest, so she couldn't help you, either. Blaise didn't visit the place, it gave him chills, and Theo was in, but refused to go back once he was released early. Gregory was still in and Pansy was somewhere trying to forget the war. Astoria and Daphne were still bitter about Draco choosing to be with you, so they were no good, either. "I know that look, stop those thoughts." You sighed, ashamed of the tears that rolled down your face. "I can't do this," you said, turning and waddling towards your bedroom upstairs. You ignored the sweat that beaded on your forehead as you hurried up the stairs, making it to your chambers and falling into bed. You don't know how long you laid there before the door opened, revealing the man of your dreams. You couldn't look at him, you felt so bloody horrible.

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