Random Thoughts He Has When Looking At You

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Harry: Hmm, (Y/N) really looks pretty today. I wonder what she smells like. Wow, that's pretty bloody weird. I'm glad I didn't say that out loud. Not the pretty part, the smelly part. Not that she's smelly! I mean, she usually smells really good. Why am I rambling in my head? Oh wow, she's looking at me. Wait, did she say something? Shit.

Draco: What the hell does Weasley think he's doing, talking to (Y/N)? I could cut his disgusting blood traitor tongue out. Is she laughing?! How dare he make her laugh, only I can do that!! I hate that ginger prick. Wow, I sound jealous. Stupid Weasley. I refuse to be jealous of that peasant. Where's my wand, I'll hex him.

Ron: I wonder what (Y/N) Will say if I ask her for her bread. She's been fussing at me a lot about my health, but Hogwarts house elves have hands like gods, this food is so good. I'd even go so far to say that it's better than Mum's food. Wait, back to (Y/N). She's done something different. I can't quite place my hand on it, but it's something. Oh Merlin, now she's looking at me. Something on her face? Nothing but angelic beauty. Why is she laughing? I didn't say that out loud, did I? Bloody hell, I did!

Neville: Why does (Y/N) have to be a Hufflepuff? She would have made a great Gryffindor and that way, she could sit with me at meals and hang out in our common room, not just hang out with me between classes. Then again, I have a feeling we'd grow tired of one another. Well, she would probably grow tired of me. I hope that doesn't happen. I wouldn't want to annoy her.

Seamus: Who knew turkey was flammable? I just wanted to make a good dinner for (Y/N) after she came home from work, but it literally went up in flames. Now she's pissed. Being honest with myself, she's kind of hot when she's angry. Is that weird? I don't care, I'm smacking this thing on the floor. Oh wow, I didn't think she'd get that angry. I wonder if I dive in the floo without screaming my location, where I would land. No, I can't take that risk, I'm running out the door.

Blaise: It's sometimes hard to believe that this woman is all mines. Ever since our Hogwarts days, she's always been mines, even when she wasn't. It was weird, after a life of hook ups and casual dates that I was able to find love in a stuck up little Ravenclaw spitfire that would never even give me the time of day. Hell, she even his me when we first met! I'm going to touch her bum, see if she gets mad. Yep, wow, look how red she's turning, is she going to yell at me? Wait no, not the silent treatment. Damn, now I have to cheer her up again.

Theo: (Y/N) looks so adorable when she's sleeping. I sometimes wonder where I would be without her, honestly, I'd probably be dead. She's so supportive and patient, even when I'm just tearing myself down. I can't believe she found me. I know I like to try to put up some kind of front when I'm with her, but she makes me feel so nervous every time I see her, like I'm dreaming. It's just so unreal that I have her in my life.

Oliver: I can't believe (Y/N) made me sleep on the couch! I mean, okay, maybe it's my fault that she did, but the couch?! I have practice in the morning and she's being unfair. Yes, I may have spilled butterbeer on her white carpet, but who has white carpet?! It's like you're just asking for it to get dirty. Plus, the floo was locked and she warded the front door, the back door was my only way in the house! But I did feel awful when she saw it. She looked so upset, I just wanted to grab her and hold her, but I'm afraid she would have hit me.

Fred: I'm going to find Marcus Flint and tear his bloody face off! How dare he make my Kitten cry?! Holding her in my lap is the only thing keeping him from making my way to Slytherin common room and really hurting him. George says I should just prank him and get him back, but this is bloody personal. He made her cry! No one hurts my Kitten in any way! But she is rather adorable when she's laying her head on my chest. I guess Flint could wait.

George: Fussy sure has been quiet today. I wonder what's on her mind. It can't be anything bad, she would have said something if she was having her nerves worked, so that couldn't have been it. Maybe she has something she's looking for and doesn't remember where she put it. Maybe if I just ask her what's keeping her thoughts occupied.

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